Friday, November 6, 2020

Willy Nilly Friday Five - Two Weeks worth

 Thank you to everyone who wished me well on my Cataract surgery this week. - I am happy to report it was a HUGE success.

Now on to WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE  hosted by Tom The Backroads Traveller.  - I'm doing last week & this week in this post.
1. Spotted this bush out on a walk. - You could almost call it a, Burning Bush.

2. Saw some deer on a drive recently.  The one in the front had a hurt leg.  You can see she's holding it up off the ground.

3. Squirrel leftovers? - Maybe someone picked it and was doing the loves me, loves me not routine.  Who knows but it caught my attention.

4. Brightly colored oak leaves.  Both are from the same tree.

5. These ducks were out and about for a little swim in a creek near the oak tree.

6.  A little train graffiti 

7.  Some cheery daisies on a drizzly day.

 8.  Pumpkins for the kids

9.  Mushroom - They seem to be popping up all over the place.
10.  My mom loved to put up little decorative flags so after she passed away & my daughter moved into the house she is carrying on the tradition and bought this little flag to display.

That's it for me this week. - Leaving you with a song that is fitting for me this week.


  1. Those were all terrific photos and I really liked that burning bush and the nut house of course!

  2. This is a lovely mushroom shot! But my favorites are the fall leaves, so pretty!

  3. ...your "burning bush" looks like a clump of ornamental grass.
    ...unfortunately I see more deer roadkills that live ones.
    ...a little sunflower?
    ...oaks put on a long,late show.
    ...beautiful mallards.
    ...travelling art gallery.
    ...they look great for this time of year.
    ...there are a lot of leftover pumpkins this year.'s that time of year.
    ...the nuthouse, what fun.
    ...a great one from Johnny Nash. RIP
    Thanks Ida for stopping by, take care and enjoy your weekend.

  4. Those were some real neat pictures. I hope all is well with you!

  5. Oh and I'm glad your surgery went well!

  6. So glad to hear the surgery went well. That song is perfect.
    Love all the photos.

  7. Well that flag would certainly fit our house the nuthouse part I mean! So happy your surgery went well and that you are seeing better today. I love all the photos and you did find a lot of different willy-nilly photos. I think my favorite might be the squirrel leftovers

  8. Beautiful photos! I absolutely love the little welcome to the nut house flag :)

  9. I'm so glad that your surgery was successful. Loved the "burning bush" photo - the colour just glows!

  10. glad your surgery went well !!! the nuthouse flag is too cute !!

    And johnny nash's song is the BEST isn't it !! ☺☺♥♥

  11. I enjoyed these...all of them.


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