Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wild Bird Wednesday - January 27, 2021


Hello & Happy Wednesday.
It's been quite sometime since I've joined Stewart (Paying Ready Attention) for WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY  
So today I'm going to join in because I finally have something to share.
About 2 1/2 weeks ago my granddaughter, Coleen and I took a little drive up to Bennington Lake and then on to Rooks Park.  While we were at the park we kept hearing an owl hooting so we decided to try and find it.  I wandered off in one direction and she in another.  Suddenly my cell phone rang and when I answered it it was her saying,  "Grandma get over here quick, there are 2 of them!"  - I hurried around the area and located here where she then pointed to a tree and low and behold this was sitting there so nice & calm.

 It never flew off and stayed there the entire time we were there.  Coleen then told me that she heard a second owl hooting at this one and we could still hear it every so often.  So we decided to keep looking to see if we could find it.  
She finally spotted it way up high in a fir tree several yards across from where this one was.  I had a hard time finding it and kept telling her she was imagining that she saw it in the tree.  So finally she asked for my camera and she snapped a few shots.  Most of them you could hardly tell what they were through all the branches but she did get one that you can actually see that there was indeed another owl in that tree.

 It was much larger then the one I took the pictures of.  I'm amazed at how well they were camouflaged in those trees and was thrilled that we were able to find them and get some pictures of them to share.
We had a great time there hunting for those owls. I'm not sure what type of an owl this is so you "birders" out there can let me know.


  1. How exciting! Reminds me of the time I saw an eagle perched in a tree. How nice to see you today. And thank you very much for your nice comment!

  2. they do camouflage well; maybe because they are birds of prey....not sure the "type" of owl they are but nice capture with the photos !! ☺☺♥♥

  3. I love owls. When I was a kid on the farm we had a barn owl the fed on the mice. We never bothered it and we could walk under it going out to the field and it wouldn't move. It stayed there for years and years. Wonderful memory.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  4. It's a wonderful way to spend time with your granddaughter. I can't think of anything better. Great Horned Owl is actually not particularly uncommon but finding them is a different matter entirely. As you now know they are quite prone to sit there and let you look at them. They are powerful hunters and I suspect have little fear.

  5. How awesome that the first one stayed there long enough for you to get the pictures. Coleen has a good eye to spot that other one. It really is hidden well.

  6. I have always been a fan of owls for reasons I don't understand. They are gorgeous to see and your captures are great! Since moving to New Zealand, it's harder to see them as there is only one kind!!

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  7. These are Great Horned Owls!!!! A wonderful find! Colleen has very sharp eyes. We are birders, but have never seen one in nature.

  8. What a wonderful experience to share with your granddaughter. I'm not very knowledgeable about owls, but I'm sure someone else will be able to tell you what kind it is.

  9. I'm impressed that they stayed still for you.

  10. this is really exciting. the only owl I saw in a tree in a preserve was about 20 years ago in Washington State park and i nearly expired from excitment, we had 2 tiny screech owls, and I saw them several times in our yard. those twisted limbs hide them really well, good job Colleen in spying this one

  11. I love owls! How lucky to get to see 2 of them and photograph them in the wild! So cool!

  12. Fabulous - well done to spot the owls and get pictures of them!

  13. Hello Ida!:=) What a super encounter. Precious memories that your granddaughter will always remember.

  14. Well done on tracking down them both. Love owls. Keep well and stay safe Diane

  15. Oh my, what a handsome owl. Thank you and have a grand weekend!

  16. Extraordinary owl hunt tale!! I love owls so much...these are great horned owls, I'm sure.

    How exciting.

    Thanks for visiting with me at Hootin' Anni's AND my bird photo blog.

  17. I would have been in 7th heaven to see just one, let alone two!

  18. Very nice find! That they hung around so you could photograph them is even better!


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