Friday, January 29, 2021


 Happy Friday.

Joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:
1.  A little tree humor spotted on a walk.

 2. Strutting his stuff  - White Peacock at local city park.

3. Fun with tissue paper - Harley J
4.A lot of birds in a tree - Spotted on a walk.

5.  Someone celebrated a birthday this month.
 Coleen - Sweet 16

Bonus shot:
Someone tried baby food for the first time.

                                       Joelle's baby food face.


  1. That peacock is fabulous. Happy Birthday to Colleen. Wow 16 already. Her cake looks pretty delicious

  2. Amazing!! I’ve never seen a white peacock!!! Wow!! These are lovely and delightful photos!!!

  3. I thought at first the white peacock was some kind of ornamental grass...LOL I would say it has been a hard day but I cannot use that excuse. Happy belated Birthday to Coleen...and Joelle is so cute.

  4. ...Ida, I've seen several of those tree faces before and this one has me thinking about doin that to a tree in our yard.
    ...a white peacock is new to me.
    ...what fun can be had with a piece of tissue paper.
    ...we have swarms of blackbirds here too.
    ...your granddaughters sure are growing up.
    Thanks for stopping by, take care.

  5. What a beautiful family you have! Those White Peacocks must be pretty rare, and you even saw one displaying!

  6. I got a real chuckle out of the tree humour. There's probably a tree somewhere that Bernie got photo shopped into!

  7. Those are terrific photos, love that tree and the white peacock. Happy Birthday Coleen!!!

  8. Great shots! Joelle isn't too sure this stuff is safe.

  9. love the baby food face and happy birthday Coleen, beautiful cake... sweet 16 only comes around once, have a wonderful day....Tell Harley he is looking so handsome


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