Monday, June 7, 2021

Awww Monday's - Little Red


Happy Monday - Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for Awww Mondays.

 Some shots Grandma took of little Red (Joelle) this morning.  Mommy did her hair in a cute little top notch this morning.  She turned 9 months on the 1st of June.  She's crawling like crazy now & pulling herself up on the coffee/end tables etc...She's such a happy baby (most of the time) and is now getting top teeth to go with the 2 bottom teeth.


  1. Awww, she's most adorable. Love that smile and love that red hair. She's a beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ida. ♥

  2. I love her hair and the top knot is too adorable. she is a beautiful baby..

  3. Such a cutie and I love that red hair!

  4. She is gorgeous! And OH, the beautiful red hair!

  5. She is absolutely adorable and she looks so happy

  6. oh my what a little doll baby!!!!!!!!! That hair!!! That darling face!! Remember the Campbell's soup kids? She reminds me of the little Campbell's girl! Oh what a precious sweetheart!!! I just want to kiss her and hug her!!! Thank you for sharing these darling photos!

  7. How adorable she is 👶🏻 Proud grandma - I can tell 😊
    ((Hugs ))

  8. SUch a beautiful post. That little one is precious. I am going back on posts and catching up with you. :-)


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