Monday, July 5, 2021

Checking In

Today's post is a "test" post to see if you are still getting my posts since the switchover from e-mail subscriptions.  If you follow by e-mail please let me know if this post showed up in your email.

This car was a photo that I used for the 52 Frames project for the week, (Just Breathe).


  1. I follow you with Feedly so I got notification of this post through that. I haven't used email notifications in many years, but I gave up Feedburner many moons ago.

    have a fabulous day and week, Ida. ♥

  2. it is working and I love the car. i don't follow by email, this came up in my feedly list. i see you added the email by feedbliz. good luck. keep us posted here as how it goes

  3. I loved that submission of yours so bright and cheery.

  4. Sorry can't help since I don't follow by email

  5. I like that car, it's a fun one. We use a feed reader instead of email so we're no help on that question.

  6. I dont get email notifications - but I did find you post. I used to drive that model of car - although it had a less colourfull paint job!

    Hope all is well - Stewart M - Melbourne

  7. following by blogger; see the post; and the cool car :) ♥♥

  8. Your post did indeed arrive via email. Such good advice on that car!🙂

  9. Yes, it came through email. :)

  10. It's good to see you post again!

  11. I am not sure where I saw it. I will have to backtrack and let you know. I am not good with technology. So I pray my posts appear on my blogger reading list. Take care


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