Friday, July 9, 2021

Willy Nilly Friday Five - July 9, 2021

 Welcome!  Well summer is moving along quickly.  We broke some records in our area for heat recently with a temp of 116.  So far I'm surviving the heat mainly because I stay inside where it's cool.

Anyway time to join Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:
1.  Summer Clouds

2. Purple Bells. - One of the new perennials I bought this year.

3. Munch mouth.  The heat hasn't stopped them from coming to the feeders everyday.  

4.  Rock Camp - Coleen participated in the (Rock Camp) last month.  They were unable to hold it last year.  The first year she participated she played drums.  This year she played a Bass Guitar and sang.

5.  Baby Fix

 6. Cat Nap - Caramel & Bandit usually don't sleep together so this was a rare sight.

 7.  My heart bleeds for you (or me).  - Caramel got scared when I tried to pick her up and she cut my hand.  I used a paper towel to wipe the blood and when I looked at the towel I saw this:

 That's it for this edition. - Hope you are enjoying your summer. - I ended up getting (Shingles) last week. - I'm doing very well though and healing quickly.  No photo of that though as it's not a pretty sight.


  1. ...we have been in the low 90s, 116 is unheard of!
    ...beautiful sky.
    ...I played bass when I was a kid, never was much good though.
    ...cute redhead.' tough being a cat!
    ...I had shingles when I was in high school and it was painful. Made sure that I got the vaccine.
    Thanks Ida for joining the party, I hope to see you back again.

  2. great fryday fotoz !!!! hope the weather cools down for everyone; I think I would go insane, more so than I already am, if it was 116 here.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  3. Aw on the baby and the kitties napping together. So adorable. I love that red hair.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ida. ♥

  4. Oh my, I hope you had the shingles shot! I am so glad you are not doing badly with it. A blood heart!! Your Purple Bells are gorgeous, as well as the baby!

  5. Those are all terrific photos and that's some serious kitty cat love!

  6. 116 just sounds unbearable. We've been in the high 80's with high humidity and that has been awful.
    Wonderful photos. The baby fix picture is adorable. She's such a cutie.

  7. So glad she got to to go to camp!
    The baby is getting so big.

  8. That is really God that the blood made a perfect heart. I do love that red hair on your beautiful baby. My dad's mom had hair just that color and curly just like the babies. I'm glad the shingles are not as bad as they could be I have heard some horrid Tales When I had them because I had had the shot they didn't bother me. Sweet kitties sleeping together

  9. Hi Ida :) I'm visiting from Tom's blog! Your kitties are so cute, and oh no! Sorry you caught shingles...I do hope you continue to heal fast! Lovely photos!! :)

  10. omg so sorry you had shingles! Happy you are doing well now! The kitty is darling and the baby, ohhhhhhh sooo cute! Love the squirrel too!

  11. Great post, with beauty and cuteness! Have a good week.

  12. I almost missed you having the shingles...that does not sound like fun. Glad Coleen got to go to Rock Camp. I hope she had fun. Love the pics of the kitties.

  13. We have had such a hot dry summer. I am praying for rain and cooler temps. It is getting pitch black early. I suppose winter is just around the corner. Take care


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