Monday, September 6, 2021

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge - An Unexpected and sad Day

 Yesterday - September 5, 2021 began pretty much like any other typical day. - The cats were fed in the morning and had spent a little time sleeping in the bedroom before they were let out shortly before noon.

That's when things went south in a hurry. - I happened to be walking by the bathroom when I noticed a couple of our cats in there and heard the horrible sound of one of them in distress.  I found our sweet, Captain Cuddles on the floor with what appeared to be really bad constipation pains. - I quickly called Mike in to help me and we noticed that he seemed in unbearable pain and could not stand up on his back legs. - Being that there are no, "on-call" Vets in town on the weekends we knew we had to do something to get him in to a Veterinarian as soon as possible.  We called a near by Clinic (about 17 miles away) that often will take emergency calls on weekends and after about an hour of waiting they finally got back to us and told us to bring him in right away.  The Vet did not sound very optimistic about the outcome after I described his symptoms.  But we hoped for the best and prepared for the worst.

Upon arrival she explained the he had something called,  Saddle Trombus  - The prognosis was not good and in the end we opted to, euthanize him as he was in tremendous pain and the likely hood that he could survive this was extremely slim.- So with heavy hearts & lots of tears we said our good-byes to our sweet, Captain Cuddles.
This was the first photo we took of him when we rescued him back in November of 2009. He had wandered into the neighborhood and was being mistreated by some kids when I brought him into the house.  We had decided to find his owners since he was wearing a collar until I noticed that he had fleas & ear mites both and figured they didn't deserve to have him if they weren't going to take care of him.
He was a gentle and loving cat so we named him, Cuddles, which quickly became, Captain Cuddles and we finally added on to that so that he became, Captain Cuddles, Defender of the Universe!
He was loved by everyone who came into the house because of his sweet and loving nature.  Here are shots of Mike & I with him.


 Coleen loved him as well. He went through a lot with her.  One time he came into the room and he was all wet.  I asked her what had happened and she said,  "I baptized him! "  I ask her where & she said, "In the toilet!"  Another time she cut his whiskers off, he got locked in her toy box, and she had a private ceremony (we weren't invited so no pictures) where she married him.
Here are shots of them together when both we much younger.

 He loved sleeping and was often either on the couch, in a window, on the desk in my office, on the bed are some of his strange sleeping positions.

 He got along with all the different cats over the years.  I tried to find pictures of him with all of them but couldn't find one with him and our newest cat (Gidget) but here are a few of him with the others.

 From L-R - Cuddles & Harley, Cuddles & Pepper, Cuddles and Callie-Jo, Cuddles and Spooky Boo.
Cuddles and Bandit asleep in Mike's Guitar Case

 Harley, Cuddles & Spooky Boo
Cuddles being stalked by a giant ant.

Cuddles enjoying a box of newspaper.
Side Profile
Asleep on the Wi-Fi box in my office.


Sleeping on the laundry basket.

                                                               DEFENDING THE UNIVERSE!

This is the last photo I ever took of him.  I had no idea he would be gone so soon after this photo was taken.

 Finally one of our favorite photos of his sweet face:

                               Nov. 2009 - September 2021.

We will so miss him.  He loved to run and jump up in my arms, try to escape out the back door, head bonk us, purr, and so much more.  You left us far to soon.
Rest in Peace Sweet Cuddles.

Nov. 2009 - September 2021.


  1. I'm so very, very sorry to hear about your dear Captain Cuddles. It's never, ever easy but unexpected is so awful. There are never the right words so we send you purrs, hugs and all our love.

  2. Hi Ida, so sorry for your loss. You've got some great pictures and memories. Hugs

  3. Oh what a sad day for you. It seems it was without warning. My favorite photos of Cuddles are the three in a row of him on the sofa, he was very photogenic and looks like he was posing. Sending you hugs.

  4. I am so very sorry!! How awful this was for you!! He looks like just the sweetest boy! And this is a great tribute to him, so now he will live in all our hearts.

  5. So very sorry for your loss. He does have a sweet face.

  6. Ida I am so very sorry and heart broken for you and your family that this beautiful and loving and funny cat is gone so suddenly. I agree you did the right thing as I would have done, yet another disease i have not heard of.. my heart hurts for your hurting heart

  7. I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Captain Cuddles. Big healing hugs, Ida. ♥

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. I have heard of Saddle Thrombus but luckily none of my cats have experienced it. Nothing you could have done to prevent it. It just happens. It looks like Cuddles had a wonderful life with you. He couldn't have asked for better cat parents. Take gentle care of yourselves and give your other cats extra hugs and kisses.

  9. we are so sorree that yor sooperhero iz gone, purrs

  10. Comforting purrs to you on your loss. He was a fine ginger boy.

  11. We are so sorry fur your loss. Capt. cuddles was so very special. We're sending lots of hugs and purrayers.

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebadee

  12. I'm so sorry about Cuddles! What a beauty and he clearly brought great joy to your family. I've never heard of Saddle Trombus but it sounds awful. Losing a beloved pet is never easy, but I know this was a shock that makes the loss even harder. I hope that as time passes, your memories of good times with Cuddles will bring comfort.

  13. Cuddles was such a sweet boy. I am so sorry for your loss. XO

  14. Soft Pawkisses on the loss of your sweet Captain Cuddles. What a sweetheart🌟Fly free beautiful Soul🐾😽💞

  15. You couldn’t have known that that photograph would be the last you would take of Captain Cuddles. But if you had, you probably could not have shown your love for your boy any more than you did. He was clearly treasured. Godspeed, Captain Cuddles.

  16. Godspeed your journey to heaven Cuddles; you are one handsome dood, and will always remain so. We send hugs and loves to mom, dad and the family you leave behind; we understand how devastating this is for them; we also know they let you go to heaven... out of love ~~~~~~~ saddle thrombus is the worst ~~~~
    we are truly sorry ♥♥♥♥♥

    dai$y, tuna, mackerull, dude, sauce and boomer

  17. Saddle Thrombosis is an awful, awful heart is breaking for you......I am so terribly sorry for your loss.....what a handsome baby he was. I'm so deeply sorry.

  18. We are so sorry to read this ! We send you purrayers and Power of the Paw as you mourn this beautiful boy !

  19. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I really enjoyed looking at all the pictures - thank you for sharing them. Sending hugs...

  20. This must be such a terrible blow for you. You have lost an absolutely beautiful cat and a loving friend.

  21. This just tears my heart in half to read. This is exactly how I lost my precious little Truffles and there is absolutely nothing more heartbreaking for a cat parent to endure. I am so, so very sorry for your devastating loss. Captain Cuddles was absolutely adorable.

  22. This is so sad. What a sweet and loving cat your Cuddles was! He gave and received so much love with you all. I enjoyed his photos and hearing about his life with you. What a special boy!

  23. We are so very sorry for your loss. What a handsome boy Cuddles was. Huge hugs to you and your family♥

  24. Sitting here with tears rolling...oh, he sounds so much like my original Cougar Cat. (Name, not kind of cat) Just loved everyone and got along with anything that came along. But he was my baby. I don't care who had him, if I said his name he came. Oh, I know your heart misses him...and I know we carry them with us always but sometimes I would just love to hold mine again.

    Or like Otto...he was the absolute best dog ever for kids. Sometimes I ache to hug him and I did not even see him that often. Maybe once or twice a month.

  25. I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful sweet and most precious Captain Cuddles in that sudden and awful way.
    Its SO hard to say those kinds of goodbyes, the more so when its not expected.
    Sending love and hugs at this difficult time.
    ((( ♥ )))

    PS: I am sending an email with a memorial image in it, to honor Captain Cuddles, and it will be in our next post as well.

  26. I am sorry for your loss. Captain Cuddles looks like he lived up to his name. Our Bridget is getting up there in years and I'm dreading the day she leaves us. Hugs to you and yours during this time. It's so hard to say goodbye to our fur babies. 💜


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