Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Back to School 2021

 As is tradition around here I took Coleen's back to school shots this morning. - It's hard to believe she is a Junior in High School now.

Here is another tradition...Side by Side comparison from last year.

The first one was her joke outfit since it was "distance learning last year to start with.  Then she put on some regular clothes for the middle shot and finally the shot on the right is what she wore to school this morning.

Off to the bowling alley now for the first day of league.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. You got great photos of her, she has style! The joke outfit really fooled me, I wondered why she would wear that to school, ha ha!

  2. it is really hard to believe she is a Jr now... She looks wonderful and I wish her the best of all school years and protection from the virus

  3. Junior!? No way! Have a great year, Colleen.

  4. Hard to believe it's back to school time already. It doesn't seem that long ago I was seeing a much younger Colleen in your pictures.

  5. That really is a nice tradition and will be fun looking back in the future.

  6. It's wonderful that you both have an ongoing record of her growing thru the years.

  7. Seems impossible that she is a junior! Where does the time go. We so wonder that with Lorelei. I love her shirt that she wore today. And when I was just a year or two out of high school, I had a hat like she is wearing made out of denim that I wore all the time!

  8. Aren't these fun?! I love commemorating the passing of time with back to school shots. These will be such a treasure when she is out of school. I love her hat!


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