Friday, September 10, 2021

Feline Friday - September 10, 2021

 First off I want to thank everyone who sent us such comforting and kind words on the loss of our sweet, Captain Cuddle this past weekend. - It was so hard to let him go but the "humane" thing to do considering the condition he had and the grim outlook of him ever recovering from it.

So today I'm joining Sandee (Comedy Plus) for FELINE FRIDAY
It's been a day of cats around here for sure.
First this morning we found this kitty hanging around our house.  It was one we'd never seen before & seemed to be friendly.  We ended up catching him and putting him in a carrier then calling animal control.

Turns out that he was apparently a (feral cat) at one time and had been neutered and had his ear clipped and then released.  So we had no choice but to just let him out of the carrier and hope that he doesn't get hit by cars or beaten up by other cats.  
Next up it's someone's "Gottcha Day" here.
Yes it's been 5 years (so hard to believe) since Caramel arrived and joined our family.
She was the tiniest little fur ball and oh so cute.

Now she's grown into a gorgeous and rather large fur baby.  We love her to pieces and hope to have many more years with her.
 Next up.....

We would like to introduce you to the newest member of our family,

 This is Rowdy Rawhide (we will just call him Rowdy) but we like to give them middle names.  My daughter picked out the name, Rowdy and Mike use to watch the show Rawhide and the character that Clint Eastwood played was named, Rowdy Yates so we decided that Rawhide would be his middle name.

He is fitting right in with all the other cats now & I'll be sharing many more photos of him in the coming days.



  1. Love the name as much as i loved Rowdy on Rawhide and that feral cat might just move in if you let him... or maybe you can have him as your outside cat... Rowdy is adorable as are all you cats.

  2. newcomer dood; we hope ewe fare well, stay safe and bee happee and healthy !

    caramel; a MOST happee gotcha day two ewe; ewe iz inn deed one gorgeouz gal....heerz two de next 20 gotchaz ☺☺♥♥♥

    rowdy; welcome ta yur new for everz dood....we iz glad yur settlin in and we look for werd
    ta see in mor postz frum ewe ☺☺

    happee weekend two all !!! ☺☺♥♥

  3. I so know what you went through in letting go with Capt. Cuddles...we love them like children and then that times comes.

    You still sure have some beautiful cats...the feral one is sure pretty two...don't think I have ever seen one quite like it before. But all cats have their own personality and you will probably always miss each one.

  4. Awww on your precious kitties. I hope you have many years with our two babies and I hope the feral kitty stays safe.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  5. Congratulations, he is beautiful! Did you get him ata a shelter?

  6. Awww, that feral will make do with what he has I'm sure. Happy Gotcha Day Caramel and a big welcome home to that cutie Rowdy!

  7. Carmel is such a beautiful cat. Rowdy Rawhide is cute as can be and I just love that name.

  8. Happy Gotcha Days to Caramel & Rowdy !

  9. Whata little sweetie pie is Rowdy! Your feral kitty has beautiful fur! Its all ticked, and so soft looking. Hope he hangs around your place for goodies and maybe one day he'll even want to stay!

    Happy Gotcha Day greetings to Caramel!

  10. Ida - I am sorry I did not read about Captain Cuddle until now - our condolences! The feral cat has beautiful coloring. Caramel is aptly named. And Rowdy almost blends into the carpet - that is what I call "fitting in"!

  11. All your cats are so precious. I feel badly for wandering cats. Our youngest daughter and her husband started feeding a beautiful white stray. They think she may be lsot but can not seem to capture her. When they returned from their trip Jake's mom had been watching their place and said two more cats appeared. It is sad how people take them in and turn them out. I wish there was a solution for them. My friend Lorna wants to have a Cat Sanctuary when she retires. They are her world. SHe is a lover of animals. Especially felines. My one is a handful as he is bossy and whiney like a toddler. HaHa It is hard losing those feline fur babies we grow to love. But everyone you have here is precious. Thanks for sharing.


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