Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Few Fall Photos

 Yes,  I'm still alive and doing well.  Have had a couple of bouts of nasty colds with a bad cough but am finally feeling much better.

Hard to believe it's December already and that Christmas is now only 24 days away!

Today I want to share a few of the photos I took of the fall foliage this year.  I don't get out as often for some reason to take pictures but I hope to do better.

Virginia Creeper that grows up the side of the house around the corner from us every year.

A pretty yellow tree I spotted out on a walk.

 A lone maple leaf in our driveway after a rainy day.

 Red Japanese Maple from one of the neighbors yards.

 Grape Vines and Shadows.

 Red berries on a nice fall day.

Pretty red/orange leaves.  Not sure what kind of a tree this one is.
Hope you have enjoyed a little touch of fall as we now enter into the winter season things will certainly change.


  1. Your photos are all gorgeous! Each one is ART. My favorites are two and four. You should make a collage of them, and frame and hang it. LOVE your header as well.

  2. ALL of the photos are magnificent... you can keep the virginia creeper, that stuff grows year round and never dies here, if you lay down long enough in the yard it will cover you over.. gorgeous fall colors

  3. these photos are really cool, I especially like the maple ~~~ thanx for sharing !

  4. Your pictures are beautiful and so are the fall colors.

  5. I love all the warm colors of fall. Beautiful

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Ida. ♥

  6. Beautiful as usual. I did 40 posts in November. The month was good to me!

  7. Did I see "as usual"? I meant "as always"!

  8. lovely Fall photos! Fall is my favorite season and it ends much too quickly.

  9. I think you got more beautiful fall photos than me! That last looks like a sweetgum...I don't recall if it is one word or two...they turn all colors...some trees will have a lot of different colors maybe one year, and another be mainly one color. If not for the prickly balls they drop in the fall, I would have one. They are just so beautiful.

  10. Ida - the grape vines and shadows photo is a stunning shot!


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