Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Book Review - The Santa Suit

 The Santa Suit: A Novel by [Mary Kay Andrews]

Welcome! - Hope everyone who celebrated Christmas had a wonderful holiday.  For those who celebrate other holidays I wish you all the same wonderfulness.

So today I'm reviewing a book I received a (Free Copy) of for my honest review from, Net Galley.

I haven't read much this year but this one sounded like it would be fun and it was!


From (Amazon):  When newly-divorced Ivy Perkins buys an old farmhouse sight unseen, she is definitely looking for a change in her life. The Four Roses, as the farmhouse is called, is a labor of love—but Ivy didn't bargain on just how much labor. The previous family left so much furniture and so much junk, that it's a full-time job sorting through all of it.

At the top of a closet, Ivy finds an old Santa suit—beautifully made and decades old. In the pocket of a suit she finds a note written in a childish hand: it's from a little girl who has one Christmas wish, and that is for her father to return home from the war. This discovery sets Ivy off on a mission. Who wrote the note? Did the man ever come home? What mysteries did the Rose family hold?

Ivy's quest brings her into the community, at a time when all she wanted to do was be left alone and nurse her wounds. But the magic of Christmas makes miracles happen, and Ivy just might find more than she ever thought possible: a welcoming town, a family reunited, a mystery solved, and a second chance at love.

 My thoughts:  I really enjoyed this book a lot.  It was like reading a Hallmark movie.  The characters were fun and believable.  Plus there was a bit of a "mystery" to the story which made it even more enjoyable.
The main character, Ivy buys a house on-line after her divorce and moves to the small town it's located in.  The house is a bit of a "fixer-upper" and Ivy discovers that the previous owners have left behind a lot of the old furnishings and belongs saying that they weren't sentimental and that Ivy could get rid of whatever she didn't want.  She discovers an old Santa suit with a mysterious note from a young child in these belongings and sets off to discover the mystery of who the suit belonged to and who the little girl was that left the note for Santa.
Along the way she makes friends with different members of the small community including a handsome (and single) man who happens to be the realtor of her property.  Though she's not certain she's ready yet to be involved with anyone since her divorce has left her very cautious about relationships.
Without giving things away I'd say this is the type of book you would enjoy if you like, "RomCom" type novels and happy endings, which I do.
Thank you for stopping by. - Hope to review more books next year. 


  1. I never heard of it. You are a good reviewer!

  2. This does sound like a Hallmark movie! Love it!

  3. I had to laugh at the beginning of your review because when I was reading the Amazon description "Hallmark movie" was exactly what I thought it sounded like. It does sound like a fun book to read.

  4. it does sound just like a Hallmark movie, maybe they will turn it into a new movie.. reading is the one thing in my life I have done since i could hold a book


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