Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Comedy of Errors

 Hello! - Does anyone remember me? I've been absent here for awhile.  So today I thought I would share how my day started (yesterday).

First I woke up to find that we had snow on the ground.  Not much but just enough to (almost) put me in a bad mood.  Everyone who knows me knows how much I detest winter/snow.
I decided though to try and not let it bother me to much even though I had bowling and didn't really want to drive on slick roads.
The next thing I did was to go outside to feed the neighbors cat and the birds and squirrels.  On the way out the door my lounge dress got caught in the door.  Thinking that I could just open the door and free myself I discovered that the door hadn't been completely unlocked and I was stuck outside with a hungry cat meowing and no where to go.  

I rang and rang the doorbell thinking that hubby would come to my rescue but alas he didn't seem to be anywhere around.  So finally I managed to pull my skirt loose from the door and I went about my business of feeding the hungry critters.
Next up I came in to take a nice hot shower and got in the tub, turned on the hot water and was blasted with super cold water because the stopper was still up and the water coming out of the spout hadn't warmed up yet.  What a rude awaking! 
I'm beginning to wonder if I should even go bowling at this point.  Then I went in to get my medication and I had my bra in hand as I was on my way to get fully dressed when I remembered I needed to take my pills early.  So I set the bra down on the counter and it fell off into the cats water bowl!  Being the only bra I had to wear I ended up having to blow it off with my hair dryer so I could finish getting dressed.  
I got in the car and discovered that the right rear tire
was low on air but I made it to the alley without any problems and the roads weren't that bad. - Things were looking up.
My morning turned out better then I had anticipated as I bowled 3 really decent games (150 - 189 - 143) all above my current 140 average and I had a good time laughing and visiting with the other ladies. There was even some laughter about my butt...but I'll spare you that story!
Have a great day and don't let the little errors in life annoy you!


  1. Your morning was a comedy of errors indeed, but you nailed it with your bowling scores. Well done.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  2. Well, you sure returned with a bang, my goodness!!! But good you did not let any of this keep you from having fun!

  3. Ida; I'm sorry, but I have to admit, the bra falling into the cat's water dish
    was hilarious..... what's the saying when it rains it pun intended
    on the whole water issue ~~~ ♥♥☺☺

  4. I'm glad you came to share your day with us lol!

  5. What a start to the day you had. I'm glad it improved after you got to bowling.

  6. no, I want to hear the butt story. these are priceless, my first laugh out loud of the day and I laughed all the way through. i think the bra is my favorite but it is close to a tie with the dress and trapped out in the cold. I am wondering what you would have done if you did not get the dress out. our sliding glass door slipped of the rail and I was out and could not open it, bob can't hear me at all, I walked thrugh the gate and around the house and through the garage and came in that way. he said why are you coming from the garage? I said because I could not open the door and you did nor hear me yelling and beating on the door. and once I was in the front yard, he did not know it and locked the front door. same thing, walk around the house and come in throught the garage and the rest is what i just wrote above.

  7. Hello,
    It is not too bad if you can laugh about the day you had. I am not a winter person and do not like driving on snow and ice. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. That was a tough morning. I'm glad things improved!!

  9. Ida - this was a hilarious story - amazing that it all happened on the same day! enjoy your weekend!

  10. Why didn't you except my comment??

  11. Oh, my, this had me in silent tears...oh, the days we have sometimes. I would have been upset when it happened but would have been like you and laughed a lot later. But I do wonder what the butt story was. LOL


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