Saturday, March 5, 2022

Rainbow Bridge Crossing

 This week has been rough emotionally for me.  We had been dealing with a sick kitty since last Wednesday.
We spent the week trying everything we could to get him to eat more which he tried but he just wasn't eating much at all.  I gave him tons of attention and he seemed happy and content but also not himself.
We did blood work (twice) and all the results came back negative.  Then Thursday morning we took him in for an Ultra Sound and when our Vet called us the outcome was not good.  He had lost yet another pound and she had found a rather large mass in his abdomen that she felt was most likely cancer.  So at that point we opted to Euthanize him.  It broke my heart.  
 He got the name Spooky-Boo because he was very timid and would hide whenever anyone new came to the house.

He loved people though once he got to know them.  He loved attention of any kind (especially tummy rubs).  He had lots of nicknames, Boo, Pukey Boo (because he often ate food and puked it right back up), Badger Boo because of the white streak running down the middle of his head. Those are just a few.  He had such a gentle loving nature and the sweetest meow and he loved to purr.
This was one of his first days with us back in February of 2018.  The blue color on his left ear was how they use to mark that the cat had been neutered (they have since stopped that practice)
Relaxing on the couch.
Coleen dressed him up once in a cowboy outfit when he was young.


Here he is look out over the stairway.  He had such beautiful eyes.  They were such a pretty green color.

He enjoyed play and sleep time with the other cats. Here he is with Bandit who is now much bigger then he was in these shots.

He had amazing whiskers which I loved.  These two shots are some of my favorite black/white shots of him.

There is so much more I could say and while he didn't live as long as many of our other cats he packed a lot of love into the 8 years he was with us.  He will be long remembered and forever loved in our house.
Rest in Peace sweet boy.
                             February 18, 2014 - March 3, 2022



  1. i am so sorry spook boo is over the rainbow. he was a really beautiful cat and I know your heart is broken. hugs to all of you and good bye to spooky boo

  2. I'm so sorry for the loss of your baby, Ida. So sad and so hard to go through. ♥

  3. I'm so very sorry. This happened to one of our cats, it is so hard. He was gorgeous, and this is such a lovely tribute to him.

  4. So very sorry to hear about Spooky Boo. He was a beautiful cat. It's always so hard to say goodbye to a fur baby.

  5. I'm so very sorry to hear about your dear Spooky-Boo, such a handsome guy. We all send you love and hugs.

  6. He was gorgeous. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  7. Oh no, I am so sorry. Losing a pet is never easy.

  8. Dear loved one's of Spooky-Boo my sincere sympathy at the loss of your handsome green eyed and fluffy Spooky-Boo He had beautiful markings. I hope soon your memories will soon have thoughts of his best life lived in your loving care.
    Hugs Cecilia aka Mom of Angel Madi

  9. I am very sorry to read this. I didn't know Spooky-Boo but no cat could look so unique and not have a personality to match. Eight years is indeed too short a time, but what amount is long enough to enjoy such creatures? My thoughts are with you. Godspeed, Spooky-Boo.

  10. So sorry you had to say goodbye to such a beloved and handsome cat. Hugs!!!!!!
    Purrs, Julie and "mum" Nancy

  11. This is such sad news. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. XO

  12. We're so very sorry for your loss, and we're sending healing purrs. Godspeed, Spooky-boo.

  13. What a handsum and purrecious mancat Spooky-Boo was. We're so sorry fur your loss. we're sending hugs and purrayers.

    Luvs ya'

    RaenaBelle and Zebby

  14. I am so sorry for the loss of your Spooky Boo. 8 years is not long enough, although I would be remiss to say, no amount of time is long enough. Your photography is beautiful and your love shows through in the lovely photos, I found much comfort in having taken so many photos of my cats over the years to look back on them after they left me, I hope the same for you. Godspeed Spooky Boo.

  15. What great memories you have. The pictures show us a wonderful and handsome guy. His life was indeed short and this is so tough on us. At least we have the wonderful memories. We are richer for having them even for a short time. Now he will live forever in your heart.

    Canadian Cats

  16. We are so sorry that Spooky had to leave you so soon. We send you and his fursibs purrayers as you mourn him.

  17. Hey Ida, Ann from Zoolatry made a memorial graphic for Spooky-Boo, you can pick up a copy here:

  18. I am so sorry you lost your sweet and precious Spooky-Boo.

    I made you a memento in his honor. I sent it to you in your email from your 'card blog', and I have also posted it on my blog.

    Sending love and hugs.
    ((((( ♥ )))))

  19. Hugs and purrs to you.
    Farwell, Angel Spooky-Boo; what a darling kitty.

  20. We are so very for your loss, and send oodles of gentle purrs and hugs. πŸ’”πŸŒˆπŸ™ RIP Spooky Boo.

  21. What a sweet and handsome boy!---so so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a much loved pet

  22. So sorry for the loss. We will offer purrayers of comfort for all that loved your sweet baby.
    Snuggles, Maggie May, Suki, and their mom, Anna in Illinois

  23. We didn't know Spooky-Boo, but we are all too familiar with the devastating loss of a beloved fur family member. Our thoughts and purrayers to you at this terrible time.

  24. What a wonderful and touching tribute. Thank you for sharing this, Ida!

  25. We didn't know Spooky-boo but we're sending you purrs of condolence and hugs in hopes it helps at least a little bit. We know all too well the emptiness left behind when a cherished pet crosses the bridge.

  26. I'm so sorry for your recent loss of Spooky-Boo. He was a handsome and precious kitty. I hope, with time, memories of him will comfort you. The love will last forever.

  27. I am so very sorry for the passing of your beautiful Spooky-Boo...such heartbreaking news. Having just lost the last of my five Siberian Huskies in December, my heart just breaks for your loss. Sending teary free, have many to greet you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  28. Such a handsome,gorgeous boy. We did not know him, but anytime a cat crosses the Bridge before their time it is very sad indeed! This boy was so handsome and and those lovely eyes.
    I am so sorry for your loss and send lots of virtual hugs and love.
    Hugs,"mum" Nancy and Purrs from Julie

  29. I am so, so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. He was devastatingly beautiful...and the cutest little cowboy ever!

  30. We are so sorry to hear about your handsome Spooky-Boo. Our hearts break for you and your family. Huge hugs♥

  31. Spooky Boo; Godspeed your journey to heaven. You are indeed one handsome boy. You totally rocked your cowboy outfit....maybe some day, mom can tell us more about you, we would enjoy hearing about your life. We send hugs and loves to you and the family you leave behind here on earth; we are truly sorry ♥♥♥

    dai$y, mackerull and dude, boomer, tuna, sauce and mom laura

  32. Sending hugs and headbumps on to you. So sorry to hear about Spooky Boo.

    Angel Mindy and Mombean Nina

  33. Ida - I am so sorry. Our furbabies leave a hole that nothing can fill.

  34. What a beautiful kitty. I'm so sorry you had that experience. It's so hard to make that decision even when, logically, we know it's for the best. Spooky-Boo was very fortunate to have had such caring fur baby parents. My heart goes out to you. πŸ’œ

  35. Ida - so sorry to hear about Spooky Boo. Nothing can replace such a dear one - I hope the pictures and memories bring you some comfort in the days ahead.

  36. Fly free beautiful Soul✨ So sorry on the loss of your beautiful Spooky Boo. Soft Pawkisses to comfort youπŸΎπŸ˜½πŸ’ž

  37. My heart breaks for you. Our fur babies are family, and it hurts so much to lose them. I'm so sorry he went so fast. He was such a sweet beautiful boy! You captured some gorgeous pictures of him that I know you will treasure always! Hugs to you... it has almost been a year since I lost my precious Simba. I still miss him so much. They have a place in our heart, always.

  38. I saw that you had this loss the other day on FB and meant to come. He sure was a beautiful cat, and I swear I think you can see his personality in his eyes. I love that first B&W photo so much...not that I don't love the others. Just meant to get over here earlier and say I am sorry for your loss.


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