Friday, May 6, 2022

Willy Nilly Friday Five - Random Things

 Hello & Welcome!
Joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE 
 1.  Curvy - Spotted this curvy grass out on a walk.

2.All in a Row - Love this group of trees a few blocks away from where I live.

3. Feeling Squirrelly  - One of the many squirrels that stop by for peanuts at the feeders everyday.

4. - Fenced In. - Part of a fence a few houses away with a backdrop of Dogwood Blooms.

5. -  Reflections - Some cattails and reflections at Rooks Park.

6. - Spring White  - Spotted these pretty white flowers, (Snowdrop Anemones) out on a walk one day.  They sure are pretty.

7. - What? - While out for a walk I noticed this unusual sidewalk job. 

8. - Easter Cutie - We celebrated a week late as the kids/grand kids had the stomach flu Easter weekend.  Ugh!

9. - Furry Cuties:  Our two youngest,  Rowdy & Rascal enjoying some bonding time.


 My favorite girl singer:That lady could belt out a tune!


Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the mothers both past, present and future. 


  1. It is sad that Linda Ronstadt cannot sing anymore. I love your artistic photo of the fancy fence with the pink blossoms in the back. Your kitties are so cute! And what is with this crazy sidewalk??

  2. You can count me as a huge Linda Ronstadt fan! I'm sorry to read about her illness, but glad she is still with us!

  3. I not only played the whole video, but sang along with it.

  4. All lovely photos, Ida! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. each picture is picture perfect. I have never seen curly grass like that, it is gorgeous. I love grasses and love the gate and the crowning jewel is precious grandbaby with that beautiful mop of curls.. priceless memory at the end. she is adorable

  6. Love all the pictures. That grass in the first picture is rather pretty. Your little Easter cutie is simply adorable.

  7. So much pretty nature. And someone is getting big!!

  8. Aww the kitties are so cute. That Easter cutie is gorgeous! I love the photo of the fence with the dogwood blooms!

  9. I do hope you had a Happy Mother's Day. I cannot believe how big Jolene is...time sure flies. She is so, so cute. I just love her red hair.

  10. Hello Ida, :=) Thank you so much for your get well wishes. Well, you certainly came up trumps with Tom's challenge. Every photo is beautiful. You have a good eye for the unusual as well as the beautiful. The curled grass is one I have never seen before, the decorative fence with Dogwood backdrop is a fine photo, and your Easter cutie could not be cuter. She is just adorable in her pretty dress. Great post.:=)
    Warm Good Wishes.


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