Friday, July 1, 2022

Willy Nilly Friday Five - July 1, 2022


My gosh it's been over a month now since I've posted here.  - I guess it's because I rarely go anywhere (other than the grocery store or out to eat) so I don't seem to have much to post about.  - Okay, whining over...

For today I'm joining in on WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE  hosted by Tom (The backroads traveller)
 1. Going back to May for a couple of shots... Just never posted them but wanted to share.  My mom's lilac tree was stunning this year (until the heavy rains came).  I captured this shot of some of the blooms.
2.  I try to document hubby's accidents so I can remember when they happened. - This one was May 5.  He'd been out of town working and after he got home that night he told us he'd fallen and bumped his head, elbow and knee.  After looking at the "goose egg" on his forehead we went to the Urgent Care.  - No broken bones and they didn't think he had a concussion so after a couple of hours they sent him home.  - He felt pretty sore for several days afterwards.

3.  He requested Meatloaf for his birthday in May and since I hate mixing it up my daughter and "Red" came over and helped out!


4. I got to attend a small circus with my daughter and granddaughter. This was one of the acts.  I shot this for 52 Frames Triangular Composition theme. - It made the (52 Picks album!)

5. Some strange looking clouds I noticed one night. Shot in BW

6. Every year a bunch of White Pelicans shows up and I happened to spot them one day.  - I decided to try and get a better view of them so I drove to a different spot and started walking down to the water.  Just before I got there they decided to fly so I only managed to capture this image of them.

7.  Bought a new lily from a catalog and planted it.  It should look like this one from the catalog...
Must See Lily This is what I got....  I'm not sure that I like it, what do you think?
8. While driving around trying to find something for the Everything In Focus challenge I spotted these weeds growing in a wheat field and snapped a shot of them just because.

That's it for this round. - Hopefully I'll get out more and snap more pictures like I use to so I'll have more to share.



  1. ... here Lilacs were not as showy as yours this year.
    ...I fell this week, but knock on wood I didn't get hurt.'s great to have a little helper.
    ...a small circus is coming to our town soon.
    ...I love looking up at the clouds.
    ...pelicans are something that I never see here.
    ...your lily looks like the one in the background, perhaps next year it may have more orange.
    ...I think that the yellow is hawkweed. Our wheat is starting to turn golden.
    Thanks Ida for sharing, please stop back when you can.

  2. Glad hubby was okay and I love meatloaf. So yummy and I don't like mixing it either. Hubby does the mixing.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  3. It's good to see a post from you! Those clouds are a special kind, and have a name, which I have forgotten! The liliac booms are gorgeous! OH, that gorgeous red hair!

  4. It's great to see you posting again!

  5. my favortite today is the weeds in the tall grass. I do love weeds. your lily looks like the one behind the orange, I think we would see it different if not comparing to the bright orange one. its pretty to me. love the circus pic and glad you could get out with your family

  6. I think a lot of us don't get out much any more. Glad your husband was ok.
    Love that lilac.

  7. That circus shot is spectacular! Pics was well deserved.

  8. gorgeous blooms. hope you are well. take care. enjoy this 4th!! ( ;


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