Wednesday, November 2, 2022

A Halloween Send Off

Welcome. - It's now November and soon Thanksgiving and the dreaded (snow) will be upon us.  - I'm so not a fan of winter but seasons come and seasons go so I'll try to make the best of it.

Meanwhile....I thought I would share some Halloween shots with you.

Coleen worked really hard to make a costume for the character/myth,  Mothman she made the wings and antenna herself.

She wore this to a party she went too before Halloween night.

Her little sister, Joelle they dressed up as, Chucky (to grandma's dismay)

Although I must admit that with that face she's just to cute to be spooky.

 It rained here all night long and I thought we wouldn't have any kids show up but they came out in abundance this year.  We had at least 70-80 trick-or-treaters which is the most we've had in about 5 years.
Coleen took Joelle around to a few houses in the neighborhood as the little one hadn't been feeling well and they didn't want her out in the rain for very long.  
This is how Coleen looked then,

 I loved her "third eye" look.
So that's it for Halloween this year.  - I didn't get out and take pictures of people's yard displays like I normally do so maybe next year.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Cute, cute and cute.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Ida. ♥

  2. Coleen did a wonderful job on the Mothman costume, and that is a scary person! And you are right, Joelle is just way to cute to be scary.

  3. Hi Ida! Too cute to be scary! That little one has the curls. How are you? I hope you are well and yes, winter is on its way. I shall hide away inside until spring again- LOL.

  4. Coleen did a great job on her costume. Joelle is way cuter than the real Chucky.

  5. Colleen did a super job creating that mothman outfit. she is talented. I agree about adorable Chuckie, to cute to be scary. Her hair is so beautiful. the third eye is freaky for sure and she did a super job making it look like her other eyes.


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