Saturday, November 26, 2022

Thanksgiving and the start of Christmas season.

 Welcome! -Well here in the USA the Thanksgiving holiday has now come and gone.  

We had a very small and somewhat quiet Thanksgiving.  Most of my family spends the holiday with either their spouses family or just celebrates on their own.  So it was just Mike, myself and our daughter Greta and her two girls, Coleen and Joelle.  Greta's boyfriend had to work so he wasn't able to join us this year.

Greta did most of the cooking and prepared some great food.  She made a sausage/vegetable stuffing, green beans almondine, mashed potatoes and gravy.  We did the turkey and I made some cranberry/orange sauce and an Apple Pie.  I bought a Pumpkin pie (mainly for hubby) since I don't like cooked pumpkin pie.

Here is the food and company shots.
One of these days I'm going to have to remember to have someone take my picture as I was the one taking these and never seem to get into the family photos.
Of course after Thanksgiving we have a bit of a tradition of getting the outside Christmas lights up as soon as possible.  This year ours went up a few days before the holiday but didn't get turned on until after Thanksgiving.

We got one new elf and also moved my mom's Nativity set into our yard so that our daughters family could put up what they wanted in their yard (which use to be my mom's place).  They still have to get their house lights up but yesterday Mike & Coleen worked very hard to get the yard decorations set out.  Everything looks very festive now.

I spent the day getting down the holiday glasses, doing dishes, some laundry and puttering around here and there.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are looking forward to Christmas and the holiday season to come.  
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. It looks like he had a most marvelous day and I love the photos of the four of them eating at the table and I'm never in the pictures either. Your husband looks enough like my husband that they could easily be brothers. All the decorations are gorgeous and if I wasn't down and my shoulder and my back I always put mine up either the day after Thanksgiving or on Saturday but so far mine are not up

  2. Sounds like a nice Thanksgiving. I like small get togethers. Your yard is very festive.

  3. The food looks so delicious. And your outside lights are beautiful!! Everything seems to be placed in just the right positions.I love the green lights around the door, indicating welcome.

  4. Belated Happy Thanksgiving, Ida! I was in Ohio, making new memories! Our daughter is getting married in October 2023, and we were shopping for a wedding dress and a dress for me! Successful on both counts! Plenty of time with family as well - such a special time! I got home last night and just started on the Christmas decorations - a little behind the curve! Your lights are spectacular!

  5. I wish you a belated Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you will enter the Christmas season in calm and peace.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. It looks like you have a beautiful display

  7. I think I gained 10 pounds just looking at your Thanksgiving spread!! Wishing you and yours a spectacular holiday season. 💜


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