Wednesday, January 4, 2023

25 Years - I Still Miss You

 It is hard to believe but it's been 25 years now since you left us.  That day is forever embedded in my memory.  It was so sudden and unexpected.  None of had any clue that day would be your last.

These few pictures (sorry for the quality) show a little of your personality.  - You loved life and were always making jokes, wisecracks.

You loved, hunting, fishing, stamp collecting, bowling, cats & dogs, and most importantly your family.

Even though you have left this earthly life for a much better heavenly one I will always have a part of you in my heart.  Until we meet again daddy,   I love you.


  1. My dad has been gone about that same amount of time.

    Big healing hugs on this day. ♥

  2. A beautiful tribute to your dad and your love for him and he for your! I can see his sense of humor in a couple of the photos. Hugs

  3. Sweet pictures of your dad. I can't recall the exact year that my dad passed away. I'm thinking it's probably somewhere around 30 years now.

  4. So sorry for your loss. No matter the age, losing a parent is painful. Sounds like you have some good memories of a fun dad. Hugs

  5. Ida - I can relate to this in a number of ways - my Dad passed away in April 1998 - so it will be 25 years in April. It was also sudden - a heart attack. I was only two weeks away from delivering our son, and could not go to the funeral. My father was a very outgoing man and could strike up a conversation with anyone, which was sometimes embarrassing to the rest of the family! Your post is a lovely tribute.

  6. What a beautiful memory you shared of your father, Ida! I know that there is just nothing like losing a parent. So thankful you had such a precious wonderful father, memories to always treasure! I trust you are doing okay dear friend, it has been a while since I've been by to visit! Love and hugs for you!


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