Sunday, January 1, 2023

Welcome 2023

 Happy New Year everyone!  -  Just a few photos from last nights celebration. - Our tradition is to eat junk food, watch movies or play games and then set off fireworks and toast in the New Year.
                       Yummy Food that we all enjoyed.

 Our traditional New Years Photo. - Front Row, Me (Ida) Coleen, Joelle and Coleen's friend, Cyrus.  - Back Row, Mike, Greta and Adam.
She made it all the way through till midnight,  what a little trooper!
Fireworks and Sparkler Fun.


                      Ready to "Toast the New Year!"
              Here's to a Year filled with much joy and love.


  1. Looks like a nice celebration. Happy New Year

  2. and we all can guess who stole the show all night. Joelle of the gorgeous hair! sounds like a lot of family fun and the food looks good to me and the only junk food I see are the chips

  3. What a great family photo. And you got gret fireworks photos! This may be junk food, but it looks pretty healthy, besides being tasty. I love your cat condo, and wish we had room for one. Happy new Year!

  4. Looks like a great way to start the new year. All the best to you and your family in 2023!

  5. What a great way to start the new year. All the best to you and your family in 2023!

  6. Happy New Year! Unfortunately, I caught a cold and was in bed by 10.30 last night. There's always this year!!! Looks like a good time was had by all!

  7. Joelle did better than me. I was in bed at Love the family photo. Happy New Year


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