Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Lilacs In Abundance

 Hello and Welcome. - Today is my annual sharing of my mom's lilac tree photos. 

I thought at first they wouldn't be as pretty this year but thankfully I was wrong.

Just look at how huge those blooms are.  They really smell too.  Unfortunately they also make me sneeze a lot!

 It was my mom's favorite tree though so I never plan to cut it down as long as I live here.  I'll just enjoy their beauty and sneeze away.


  1. It is so gorgeous! I love the deep purple color, there are none this color around here. It may be kind of rare.

  2. I love lilacs, they grew in our family's yard in Wisconsin. The scent is delicious and how nice your mom's lilac tree is so productive.

  3. Beautiful. I love lilacs but have never been able to get one to grow.

  4. Those are huge. I love lilacs so much. We have two different kinds and the blooms are gone now. I enjoy them every year.

  5. Both the color and shape are beautiful!

  6. Oh my, but your photos leave me speechless. They are breathtaking! Thank you. Cathy

  7. they are so beautiful, they have been my favorite since childhood!!


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