Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Time Passages

And just like that they grow up and move on.  Coleen/Jupiter Graduation.

Kindergarten Graduation 2011

Lincoln High School Graduation 2023

With her Kindergarten Teacher

 One of her High School Teachers.   Each student had a teacher that gave a little speech about them during the ceremony.
More photos from the Graduation...

 It was a long journey for her with many twists, turns and uncertainties but she made it.  We are proud of her.


  1. They do grow up so fast. Congratulations on her graduation.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Ida. ♥

  2. Awesome photos! I know you are so proud of her, and you should be!! This represents a lot of work and dedication.

  3. Hi hadn’t seen your blog in a while because guess I lost track. Congratulations to your daughter and best of everything in her future. I’m still at peabea.blogspot.com for Pictorial Tuesday Linkup if you want to come visit. I remember you but not sure from which linkup. Have great day.

  4. WoW!!! i remember when she was little and now she is so grown up!! lovely pictures of her with the family!!

  5. Yup, just like that. It's mind boggling. Now a new beginning. Hooray, Coleen/Jupiter!


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