Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Ducky Derby 2023

Another May event:  The annual Ducky Derby.  This was held Mother's Day weekend as well.  In fact that weekend 4 different events were held here.  You could attend all of them or pick and choose which you want to attend as they were all at different places and times throughout the weekend.
This year I don't have as many photos of different things from the Ducky Derby as it was way to HOT outside for me so I spent most of my time sitting in the shade.  Coleen/Jupiter took her little sister, Joelle (aka JoJo) around to do all the fun kids stuff.
                   The two sisters in front of the Big Duck

Izzy the Camel - JoJo did reach out to pet him.  Just didn't get a good picture as there were too many people in the way.

JoJo got a duck painted on her cheek.  She looks like she's about to cry here but she wasn't. - Her cheeks were already getting pretty rosy from the sun.
                           Waiting for the ducks to be released.
                                            And they are off!
The official photographer for the paper taking pictures of the ducks.
                A sea of ducks racing toward the finish line.
                Up and down they go on their merry way.
                                  Ducks and more Ducks
I always like to find one lone duck in a shot with a bunch of others ahead of it.  That's this years shot.
Normally I would have pictures of the ducks at the finish line but by then I was so hot I needed to just go home where it was much cooler so we didn't even stay to see the end of the race. 
 Once again none of my 5 ducks won but I'll try again next year.



  1. I would have loved to have seen this. Such fun.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Ida. ♥

  2. Great photos!! We have the duck race once a year. But we never have this many ducks!! This is a whole lot of ducks! And we do not have the big duck either. You likely live in a much larger city than us. Wish we had this camel at the duck race also!!

  3. Wow, that's a lot of ducks. Love those cute little rosy cheeks.


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