Friday, July 14, 2023

Balloon Stampede 2023

 Well hello! - Yes, life is carrying on. - Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts/prayers for my hubby (Mike).  He is doing well although still not able to drive - He has an appointment next Friday to see if they will release him for driving again. - We've had several doctor appointments since he got out of the hospital so I've been buy being his taxi service.  I'm just glad he's getting around as well as he is.  He even cleaned the top of the stove and did the pots/pans this morning!

So I'm a bit behind on events here but today I'm going to share a few photos I took from our 2023 Hot Air Balloon stampede.  This was held Mother's Day weekend.

These first few shots are balloons that came up in our neighborhood.

Looking down the street from our house.  I think I walked part way down the street to get this shot.

I like this shot even though the balloon is blurred.  It looks so pretty with the dogwood in bloom.

That rocket shaped balloon is one of my favorites.  You can see it in an older post HERE

These next shots were taken from Tietan Street Park where the launch was held.  - This particular day though they weren't able to fly due to windy weather.  Instead they just inflated them for people to stop by and view.


This apple balloon was one of my favorites.

 I didn't attend the night glow but maybe next year as I'd love to get some pictures of it.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a great day.


  1. The balloons sitting on the ground and all blown up are so gorgeous!!! I love those shots the best. And I do really like the rocket balloon, I have never seen one.

  2. Glad your hubby is doing better, I love a man who does dishes, lol... all of these are great shots of these massive baloons. they look so much larger on the ground than in the air.

  3. Love all these balloons. They have a hot air balloon even not far from here every year. I've never gone but have been in the area and seen a few in the air. With them all on the ground it really puts it in perspective how big they are.

  4. I love hot air balloons. It has been ages since I have seen one in our neighborhood but they are one of the prettiest man made things I have ever seen.

  5. Great pictures! My dad used to volunteer for the ground crew at the balloon stampede. I often went to the events surrounding it. I took my first balloon ride with my wife on one of our anniversaries in Woodinville. It was fun.

  6. we have seen both the morning launch and evening night glow, both are amazing!! the festival we attend is the last weekend in july, so it's coming up...i can't wait. lovely pictures!!

  7. So thankful to hear of your husband's continued recovery, that is such a blessing! And what a beautiful sight to see all those balloons! I don't think I would be brave enough to ride in one, but how beautiful they are to see in the air! Thank you for sharing the lovely photos!


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