Friday, November 10, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 10

 Whew,  I'm under the wire but not totally late getting this posted since it's only 9:30 pm here.  The day got away from me and I suddenly realized I hadn't posted yet.  So without further ado...

 So what are today's blessings or things to be thankful for:

I've still got a memory!  - I know it doesn't seem like it since I was so late remembering that I had forgot to post this morning.  But hey,  "Better late than Never."

The sun came out today for awhile! - It's been a bit gloomy here the last couple of days weather wise.

While the sun was out I took a drive and enjoyed the fall colors and this lovely view on my way back from Bennington Lake.

I got 2 cards completed and posted on my card blog today!

So there's just a few things I'm thankful for.  I hope you have had a wonderful day and here's hoping that tomorrow I post on time!


  1. So long as you posted some time within the days 24 hour period, I don't think it's late at all. I've had days where I've totally forgot which is why I always like to have several done up ahead of time and scheduled to post.


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