Saturday, November 11, 2023

GIving Thanks - Day 11


 Today I am thankful for all Veterans who have or are still serving our country.  Without you we wouldn't have the freedoms that we do.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing the right thing.
On a personal note some other things I'm thankful for:
A street that has been closed for several months finally opened back up today making it a little easier to get around town. 
Hubby and I spent a nice quiet day watching TV together this morning. - We also cleaned our bedroom and made it smell much fresher and I washed all the bedding so we have a clean bed to sleep on tonight.

It was fun watching the leaves whirl and twirl around outside today.  I'm like a little kid in the fall with rustling leaves and oh goodie, I get to rake them up again after the wind blew a bunch more off the tree.  (Did you detect a bit of sarcasm there?)

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Ida - I have been away from blogging for a while and it is so nice to make the rounds and see how people are doing. I love the quote in this post!

  2. I don't bother with the raking any more. I do like to walk through piles of leaves though to hear the rustling sound it makes.
    Sarcasm? Was there sarcasm? I hadn't


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