Monday, November 13, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 13


I'm thankful for squirrels ...Yes, I find them hilarious to watch.  Spotted this little guy out on my walk earlier this past week.  He has a berry in his mouth.  I bet he was thankful for the small berry.
I'm thankful for the fun I had playing Bunco today with a wonderful group of ladies.  I laughed a lot.  Did play real well (no prize for me) but I had a lot of fun.
I'm thankful that I had someone ask if they got to see the cards I talk about on this blog.  I actually have a card making blog if anyone is interested in checking it out:
I'm thankful that I didn't have to be outside a lot in the rain today.  
Hope you all have had a day which you have found something to be thankful for.  Big or Small a blessing is a blessing.


  1. I love squirrels too. And you are right, they can be hilarious. When one is in the middle of the street, we honk the horn and their tails spin around and around.

  2. Squirrels are entertaining to watch. I always enjoy seeing them.
    Glad you got out and had some fun.

  3. Bob and I both are thankful for squirrel watching. just 3 minutes ago, he said look on the corner of the roof, we squirrel watch from our living room sofas. our squirrels carry small avocados around and pices of the half eaten one.


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