Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 14


Today I am thankful that while I didn't bowl my best I was above 120 all 3 games and kept a fairly positive attitude. 
I'm thankful that my cough/cold isn't getting worse and I'm thankful for cold medicine which helps.
I'm thankful for this sweet little cat and all our other kitties.  They bring a lot of joy into my life.
I'm the most thankful though for the fact that I came super close to being in a bad accident on my way to bowling when someone ran a red light and made a left hand turn right in front of me.  I was able to catch them out of the corner of my eye and slam on the brakes.  It shook me up but it could have been so much worse. 
Hope you've had a positive attitude and enjoyed your day.  See you tomorrow.


  1. Something really serious to be thankful for! Your life! What a sweet kitty.

  2. the last thankful deserves its own post. that is so scary when it is a close call like that. I am thankful that you were safe and did not get caught up in an accident.

  3. I remember bowling days and getting mad at myself if I was having a bad night.


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