Friday, November 17, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 16 and Day 17

 Well it finally happened....Yep,  I forgot to post yesterday!  I remembered in the middle of the night and decided I'd just post 2 photos today to make up for my lack of memory yesterday.

Having a cold and not getting a lot of sleep kinda messes with your brain at times.

Things I was thankful for yesterday:   It didn't rain,  I managed to get a few things done around the house (laundry being the main one) even though I wasn't feel to great.  I got a short nap,  and the medicine for the cough started working.


Things I'm thankful for today:
1.  I slept almost the entire night last night.  Just woke up once and went right back to sleep.  Very little coughing.
2.  Got a reminder from my brother that I hadn't posted yesterday/today yet.  -  Thanks, because I might have forgot again.
3.  Was able to purchase my craft tape with a 50% off coupon.  That's always a plus.
4. Even though I accidentally bought Beef Pot Pies (which I don't like) I had a back up soup that I do like so I had that instead.

Things don't always have to be really amazing to be grateful for them.  -  Hope you find things for which to be grateful for in your life.

See you tomorrow (I hope!)


  1. Just not getting enough sleep can really mess with your mind and energy. I hope you get lots now. It is when we sleep that our body repairs itself.

  2. I can relate to forgetting. I've had nights where I have thought about what I wanted to post then when I get to the computer the next morning it's no there because I never wrote it.
    A night where I can sleep all the way through is very rare.

  3. I am always doing something crazy on the blog, like posting on wrong date, posting 2 on one day and none on the other day, so this is my normal. good job to your brother for giving you the heads up. my family has no interest in my blog at all.


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