Saturday, November 18, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 18


Welcome back - Well it was another pretty restless night (I have a nasty chest cough) which gets worse when I try to lay down and sleep.
Still I'm thankful that I did get a few hours of sleep.
 I'm thankful that other then the cough which is keeping me up at night I'm actually feeling pretty decent.
 I'm thankful for being able to go out and enjoy a nice lunch with some friends of mine.   
I'm thankful that the company hubby is working for sent a gift card for Thanksgiving - That will come in handy.
And I'm thankful that I remembered to post today!


  1. Have you tried maybe propping your head up with an extra pillow? That may help any drainage that would cause coughing.

  2. Sure hope you can get rid of that cough soon. I've been feeling like a cold is coming on for over a week now. One day I'll feel fine the next I feel like a zombie.

  3. When I remember to do anything these days that is something to be thankful for haha


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