Sunday, November 19, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 19

 Things I am thankful for today:
1.  I got almost a full nights sleep last night without waking up coughing. - Still not over the crud but on the mend.
2.  I'm thankful for the beauty of nature.  This is the view of our neighbor across the street from us.  Those 2 trees have been stunning this fall.
3.  This happened today:

 Our daughter, Greta finally married her boyfriend, Adam!
Congrats to the Newlyweds.  It's about time!
Yes they had a costume themed wedding (Princess Bride) and most of the guests wore some kind of a costume.

That's it for today.  I hope your day has brought you things to be thankful for and that you have joy in your life.


  1. Congratulations to them, they look so happy! will they be living nearby? Great news that you are getting better!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and her new husband. A costume wedding sounds like fun.

  3. congratulations to the newly weds. back when i was still working, a friend in my team, finely married her boyfriend, they had 3 kids already and they went to Disney and had a Halloween theme wedding. a SCARY one and every one wore monster costumes. her kids wore halloween costumes and were in the wedding


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