Sunday, November 26, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 26

 Things I am thankful for today:

1. I had time to make a card and the idea I had worked.
2. The cough is getting better
3. Time spent with hubby visiting and relaxing
4. As always a nice nap and kitties to nap with!
5. Left Over turkey - which our daughter made enchiladas with.  All I had to do was pop ours in the oven and we had a delicious dinner ready in no time.


  1. I need to get busy and work on making Christmas cards or I'll be sending store bought ones.
    Turkey enchiladas sound good.

  2. oh yum on the daughter made enchiladas.. are you thankful Christmas is staring us in the face? i know you are ready for it. happy 26 days of Thankfulness


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