Monday, November 27, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 27

 Welcome. - I hope your week has started out on a positive note.

Today I am thankful that while is was very chilly here - we didn't even make it past 30 today (brrrr) there was no snow to deal with.

I'm thankful that I had more uninterrupted time in the craft room and am starting to get a few more Christmas cards finished.

I was able to get my medication that I was supposed to order last week (the pharmacy likes a 3 day notice) but I forgot to order it until today.  Thankfully they filled it,  I just had to go pick it up.

I'm thankful for a very nice lunch and the drive over the border (17 miles) to eat it.

Our newest Christmas decoration arrived a day early! - Will post a picture of it soon.

Take care & have a beautiful and thankful day.


  1. I was thankful yesterday morning that the snow hadn't started so I was able to get out and get my prescription filled. I woke up this morning and we got blasted over night.

  2. what border? to where? brrrrrrrrrrr at 30, we are at 59 and freezing. 😛

  3. There really is so much to be grateful for! A season of gratefulness and thankfulness continues into the season of rejoicing for His birth. It is snowing here today - we are getting quite a bit of snow, tis the season, lol! Happy December to you!


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