Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Giving Thanks - Day 28

 Today I'm thankful for:  A good day bowling.  It was fun, I got some exercise, didn't get overly tired and had 2 very nice games and an okay game. (161 - 125- 160) - That middle game has been tough the last couple of weeks.

I'm thankful for a relaxing evening watching Dancing With The Stars.  Some really nice dances tonight, so fun to watch.
I'm thankful for some snuggles with the cats.
So how was your day?


  1. I was so mad last year when they put Dancing with stars on peacock and we could not watch it. now it is back and we are watching it. I found for the first time ever, i did not know a single one of the stars except Barry. I think they are all amazing to learn those steps. not sure i could do that even if i were back a lot younger

  2. I remember my bowling days and I can relate to those scores. It always seemed like the first and last game were ok and that middle one was always the lowest.


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