Friday, July 19, 2024

Crime Watch Chief for a Day

 Recently I attended a special ceremony presented by the local Crime Watch program called, Chief for a Day.

The program recognizes "special needs" children and are partnered with a member of local law enforcement agencies and get to participate in a number of events.  They receive a uniform, a badge, and get sworn in as a, Chief for a Day.  You can view more photos of this event HERE

My great-nephew was one of the kids nominated (by his Aunt Shelby) and chosen for this years event.

Here are a few picture that I took at the first event.

Obviously I did not take this photo as I'm actually in it.  Front Row:
Jeff - Izak's dad and Krissy Izaks mom.
Back: Me, Lukas Izak's brother, Shelby his Aunt, Izak, Fire Chief, Rocky Eastman and Vivian, Izak's grandmother.

      Krissy and Izak - He has Spina Bifida and is in a wheelchair.

Pictures of Izak and Chief Rocky Eastman and also Dead Pool character.

Swearing in Ceremony - Judge Hedine

                     Izak and his certificate as Chief for a Day


  1. What a wonderful thing to do! And he looks so adorable in his uniform. Something he will probably remember all of his life.

  2. What a wonderful program. He looks so happy and I know you all about to burst with being so proud of him. Congratulations to all of you

  3. How fantastic that they do this for the kids. It must be so much fun for them and quite exciting.

  4. What a very special event. I love this and thank you for sharing.


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