Sunday, July 21, 2024

Take me out to the Ballgame

 Back again...2 posts in one week (well technically this is the start of a new week)  it's a record for me lately!

This post is about another event that was part of the Crime Watch Chief for a Day - See previous post.

All the Chiefs and Chiefs for a Day and their families got to attend the baseball game between the Walla Walla Sweets and the Corvalis Knights on July 14th.

I haven't been to a baseball game in a very long time so was excited about the chance to attend one. - The only bad thing was that it was very HOT out that night.  However we were in the shade in the stands and a breeze was blowing so it turned out to be halfway pleasant to watch.

These pictures were taken with my Cell Phone so the quality isn't the greatest.

                                                Old Glory

                               Sweet Lou the team mascot.
Yes, it's an Onion (Walla Walla Sweet Onions) you have have heard of them.  Best sweet onions in the world (IMO).

One of the sponsors at the stadium - Just wanted something that said, Walla Walla so that worked.

                   The scoreboard prior to the start of the game. 

                               The Crime Watch banner

                          Izak and Rocky in the white uniforms.  Each kid and their chief were introduced to the crowd.

Izak and Rocky in their seats (right behind home plate). 

               A couple of action shots, batting and pitching.

One of the little games they played during breaks in the game.  Here the 2 people are twisting around a bat and then trying to run afterwards.  It was pretty comical to watch.

Don't know this lady but I wanted to show the baseball bat drink holders that were available from the Beer Garden. - I can't stand the smell of beer so I've never even tried it.

Jojo got to got get her face painted (she chose mermaid) and also got a animal balloon.  She enjoyed herself at the game.  After the game was over kids were allowed to run around the bases.  I didn't pictures of that though.

Oh yeah,  the Sweets won the game 3-1! All in all a really fun time.


  1. wow, this was all really something for your entire family.. the photos are great, could not be any better. yay for the SWEETS

  2. Jojo is adorable! Considering you were behind a fence, you got great photos. Especially the awesome one of the pitcher!

  3. This looks like such a fun day! Your pictures turned out amazing, and Jojo's mermaid face is absolutely adorable! Hope you have an amazing rest of the summer beauty!

    xoxo, Midori

  4. What a fun night. I haven't been to a baseball game in years. It's probably been over 20 years. Love the face painting Jojo got. So cute.
    I'm with you on beer. I hate the taste and the smell.

  5. This looks and sounds like a wonderful evening...except for the warm weather. I sure enjoy watching night time baseball... I hope Izak enjoyed the evening.


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