Thursday, August 29, 2024

Summer Fun - Part 1

 Oh my gosh it's been a month now since my last post.  I'm still alive although no one has inquired as to that so I'm not sure anyone missed me.

Anyhow...The summer has been a "busy" one for sure.  Much of it was spent working on the house.  Mike has done the majority of the work but I've helped out a little here and there.  

Spent a Saturday morning pulling staples from these stairs.  Each one had between 20-25 staples that had to be pulled.  It's a big stair case so there were a lot of staples.  More on the house remodel at another time.

Today's post is about fun (pulling staples is NOT fun.)

So we took a little trip out of town on Friday the 16th of August.

We headed to Spokane, WA.  Today is just a hint of what we did.

Took this on the way up.  These are a common sight in this area.  They are extremely HUGE up close.  I just liked this shot of the fields, clouds and the wind turbines.

We got to Spokane and met a friend of mine who lives there for lunch at Casa de Oro on Division street for a lovely lunch.  Sadly I didn't think to get pictures of our food or my friend.  After lunch Mike & I headed to our main destination.  

After finding a place to park at a parking garage in a mall area we headed out and about.  Took this next shot inside of a Giant Red shoe.  I took Mike's photo on my phone and he took mine on his.

After we exited the shopping mall I snapped a few photos of things that I thought were interesting.

Mural on the side of an underpass.

Metal sculpture of runners on the way to River Front Park (click to enlarge.) I had hoped to get more pictures but Mike was wanting to get over to the park and wasn't slowing down long enough for me to shoot more.

The fountain at the park.  Lots of people kept running inside to get soaked.  Didn't get any shots of that though.

Big Red Wagon.


We found a spot where he could rest while I wandered around and took a few pictures.  I liked this metal fish sculpture.

I didn't walk close enough to find out what these were but I liked them anyway.

Picture of part of the falls.
Power plant

Metal Goat Sculpture. - I thought this was the one called, Garbage Goat but after reviewing another website it's not.  Apparently there is one that looks like this:

(Not my photo) somewhere in the park.  You can read about it here:

There is a section of the bridge area over the falls where you can purchase a lock tag and have it attached to the fence.  Sounds like a fun idea but at a $100 a lock it was a (no-go) for us.

More of the falls and an interesting building in the background.

The Pavilion in the park.

I wish I had wandered around longer to get a bunch more photos as I know I missed a lot of things in the park but I didn't want to leave hubby sitting all by himself for a long time.  He has a hard time walking around for long periods so that's why he didn't go with me.

We spent from 2:00 till 5:00 just hanging out in the park.  Why you ask....

See that part that says,  John Fogerty + George Thorogood & the Destroyers?  (I didn't get the date in, rats)  Yep,  we had tickets to that concert!!!

More on another post


  1. Oh what a fun day. I bet that was a good concert. Looks like a really nice park too.


  2. This place is so cool!! So many interesting things to see. The fountain is so unusual and a good way to cool down. I think my favorite is the fish jumping out of the water. I like Matt Nathanson. I think the locks on the fence have some kind of significance. It's a wonder your back didn't go out with all that work on the steps. I hope you will post before and after photos.

  3. You were certainly missed. Life sometimes gets so busy sometimes. Fun picture of you pulling staples...I bet it did take a while to UN-staple all the staples. LOL. This looks like a fun trip in a fun city. Love the big red shoe and can you imagine how many pictures are taken right there in front of it? Lots of beautiful sculptures and wow on the lock fence. A $100.00? I suppose they do not allow you to bring your own lock and put it on the fence? Would be much cheaper. I'm excited to see what other things you all did...I'll be checking in to see.

  4. I would love to go there with a camera and I enjoyed each and every photo, while you went to the concert I would have remained madly snapping all that lovelyness in the park. I want to see the pavillion

  5. Looks like a fun summer! It goes by quickly!


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