Friday, August 30, 2024

Summer Fun - Part 2 (Long Post)

 So today is all about the concert.

We finally were able to get in line at 5:00.  Thankfully we weren't to far back in the line so we didn't have to stand there a long time.  Had a chance to chat with people and wonder why so many were carrying folding chairs and blankets.  Finally found out those were people who purchased general admission tickets.  Whew!  There was no way I wanted to sit on the grass or in a lawn chair.

Once inside a nice attendant helped us find our seats.  Middle Section, Row 20 back from stage and seats 9 & 10.  Not bad!

A couple of "selfies" because well... just because!

Loved the covering over part of the Pavilion and how the clouds were in the sky.  It was sunny so I worried that it might be hard to see once the concert started.  No worries though because by the time it started the sun had moved and we could see the stage just fine.

Before the crowd started filling up.  You can see how close we were. 

In May they held the Expo 74 Celebration here (we didn't go) Saw this on the side of the building so took a shot of it.

This was on a wall behind us and I thought it was a neat saying.

Had to get a picture of the flag and yes, part of the Clock tower.

Loved the graphics on this drum and didn't realize at first that this was the name of the opening acts band.  

So here they are on stage.  Then a guy next to us informs us that 2 of the Band members are John Fogertys sons.  The guy in front in the black on the left of the photo is Shane Fogerty and the one in the Green shirt is, Tyler Fogerty (he was a kick to watch).

   They played for about an hour give or take before the next act.

Next up was George Thorogood and the Destroyers.

I'm terrible at taking videos so the ones here will not be complete songs but at least you'll hear part of the songs.

Sadly my video skills were not able to get Bad to the Bone, instead I got about 17 seconds of the song and a video of the seats and concrete under my feet!

It was fun finally being able to see them since we had previously purchased tickets back in 2021 but the concert was cancelled a week before hand due to a band member having Covid. (That sucked).

They probably played about 90 minutes and it was really fun to listen to.  I especially enjoyed the saxophone player.

Finally time for John Fogerty! - Hard to believe he's 79 years old.

Behind the band was a movie screen and various scenes would be played to match the songs being sung.  This was from, Bad Moon Rising.

Here is the little video I got of the song.  Again I apologize for my lack of video skills.

                    This one was from the song,  Green River.

This song was the tribute song he wrote for his wife Julie,  Joy of My Life. -  His sons, Shane and Tyler played with him during the concert so they had quite an evening of playing both with their own band and then with their dad.

The guitar he is playing here was one he customized himself and played at Woodstock.  Eventually he ended up giving it away and then as a surprise on Christmas his wife had purchased it back for him.  You can read the story about that guitar HERE

This song was, It came out of the Sky.  The video had aliens and spaceships and was super fun to watch.  Music was great!

Some of the lights from the upper portion of the pavilion canopy.

This is from the song, Centerfield.  This song was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Finally I leave you with another short video:

Looking Out My Back Door...

We did not stay in Spokane so after the concert was over around 10:30 we left Spokane and drove home.  We got in around 1:15 am.  The concert was amazing and I loved every minute of it.  

The weirdest thing that happened...a couple sitting behind us had been drinking beer most of the night ($15 a can) and I over hear the guy say,  "I wonder if the lady in front of me would mind if I pee on her because I have to urinate!"  -  I turned around and asked him if he was talking about me or the other lady that was in front of him.  He was rather embarrassed and said,  "You heard that?" - "Yep, I replied, I've got really good hearing!"

The worst thing that happened...I ended up coming down with a cold and spent the next 2-3 days in bed because the cold medication I take makes you quite sleepy.  It was worth it though.


  1. You got GREAT pic of the band and all the colorful videos and light show and decorations! I almost feel like I was there. I cannot believe he is that old now!!! Some of your videos are good, and all of the sound is good as well.

  2. Enjoyed your photos and videos. Sounds like a wonderful evening with the exception of the beer drinking guy behind you.
    Sorry to hear you ended up with a cold. Hope you're feeling better now.

  3. my favorite shot is the one that has spokane pavillion on the top, I like the way the light highlights the people and their tie for first place photo is the one of the night lights of the pavilion. that pavvillon is awesome, never seen one like it. glad you got to see them this time.

  4. You captured some really great pictures and looks like you all had a great time at the concert. Glad you didn't have to sit on the lawn, but it looks like you had some pretty good seats. Glad you heard the man say what he said. It might have been bad had you not spoke up ....glad he did not relieve himself right there. Sorry you cam e down with a cold...hope your are feeling recovered now.

  5. Well...I thought I left a long comment on this post, but I don't see it, so maybe I did not hit the right buttons. I know this was a wonderful concert for you guys. Glad you had seats under the beautiful awning and that you didn't have to sit out on the lawn. Looks like quite a happy experience and you did a great job in capturing so many good photos. I am glad you said something to the man behind you, and certainly glad he did not pee on anyone. good for you for speaking up and hopefully he was embarrassed. Thank you for sharing. Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day.


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