Sunday, April 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - April 22, 2012

Welcome! - Well this is my first post using the "New" blogger - (Why oh Why can't people just leave things alone) so hopefully everything goes up okay and looks decent. 

Today is Sunday and that means it's time for the Scavenger Hunt over on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photos. - Sadly Ashley's Grandma passed away this week so the hunt has been somewhat postponed until next week.  The link is open and photo's can be posted but Ashley does not have hers up nor are the prompts for the following hunt available.  Those will go up next Sunday.  Please stop by and leave Ashley some comment love during this difficult time for her and her family. 

So this weeks prompts were:  Yellow, Something that made or makes you smile, Ancient/Antique, Splash and In the Sun.

First up:  YELLOW:  I couldn't make up my mind on which photo I liked best for this prompt so you will be seeing 2 photos.  This is a shot of some Oregon Grape Blossoms.

This is one of the exotic birds in our local park Aviary.  Don't you just love his yellow headdress. Stunning bird.

SOMETHING THAT MAKES/MADE ME SMILE:  This one is easy, Coleen always makes me smile. She's enjoying a moment of rest after some hard swinging at the park yesterday. 
This is a Pin/Pendant Cameo that belonged to my dad's sister.  It was given to her as a young girl and she lived to be
101.  This pendant is probably about 120 years old now.  It's really gorgeous.  It was given to me when I got married.

SPLASH:  This one was "hard" - How can you capture a splash decently with a Point-n-Shoot camera?
While at the park I had hoped to get a shot of the ducks making a splash in the water but they weren't very cooperative.  I managed to get a shot but it's bit out of focus.  My husband and daughter thought is was neat though so here it is:
IN THE SUN:  I rather like how this one turned out.  I spotted some type of decorative grass (could be a weed too) surrounding one of the ponds at the park and took a macro shot of it.  The sunlight on the grass really looked pretty so I went with this shot for the prompt.
That's it's for this "hunt" - See you in 2 weeks with new prompts.


  1. Nicely done, Ida! That bird is indeed gorgeous! Coleen looks like she's having a good time! Nice shot!

  2. Pretty photos you have captured this week! :)

  3. You did very well this week - beautiful yellow, very fun (make you smile), and gorgeous cameo. I came close to photographing my mother's - not nearly as old, but also beautiful. Great job!

  4. oh your photo's are awesome!! in the sun was my favorite, so soft and beautiful!!

  5. Hey Ida, thanks for stopping by today. I switched to the new blogger format several months ago when they first introduced it, since they said eventually there would be no choice. It does get easier with time. I really enjoyed your set, both of the yellows are great and your dear Colleen is looking very relaxed. In the sun is very pretty as well. See you again in a couple of weeks.

  6. Oh, that bird is stunning! What amazing bold colors! I love the images of your daughter! She look like a little ladybug in the grass!!

  7. Ohhh- I love the sun glowing in that last one!

  8. I really love the light in your last shot. Beautiful.

  9. Oh wow, I love that bird, simply stunning!! Hope you are having a great week!!

  10. Beautiful pictures! I love the ladybug.

  11. OMG the yellows of that flower and that bird are gorgeous. Coleen has such a sweet smile and she looks like a lady bug in her red with black polka dot dress. The cameo is beautiful and a family heirloom. Now the duck was a little busy, rude little dude not to pose. The sunlight on the grass/weed is a great shot. Good work!

  12. That bird is incredible and I love your 'splash' photo! The cameo is absolutely stunning! Nice shots Ida!

  13. The bird is so beautiful ! Great set ;)


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