Saturday, July 28, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - July 29, 2012

Hello! Well I wasn't sure I was going to be able to participate in the Scavenger Hunt this week since my mom ended up in the hospital on Thursday.  She was able to go home that night and I spent the night at her house "trying" to sleep on the floor so I didn't get much sleep.  Spent most of yesterday in bed and when I was up looking after my mom.  She's doing much better but still not back to 100% normal.  Thankfully it wasn't a Heart Attack but needless to say it shook me up quite a bit and then I ended up with a Migraine on Friday.

Alright let's move on and get started on the hunt.

This weeks prompts are:
Paint, Green, Eyelashes, Shapes and Clouds.


One of Coleen's Paintings, her paints and her desk.  Thank goodness it's water based paint.


Green Cherry Tomatoes growing by our back shed.  These came up from seeds of plants we put in 2 years ago.  Pretty amazing huh?

                                                                                                                                  EYE LASHES:

Coleen has the most amazing eyes and eyelashes.  Also love those little freckles on her face.


This one was my toughest one to find for the prompts.  Then I happened to be walking past the back wall to head out the side door of our house when I spotted Coleen's lunch box hanging on it's hook.  Staring right at me were these cute little owls who just happened to have all kinds of shapes on them. - You can see, Circles, Hearts, Flowers and Stars.

CLOUDS: - I couldn't decide between these two photo's so you get both.

Some pretty white fluffy Thunder Clouds forming in the blue sky one afternoon. 

These were some nasty looking storm clouds that I captured one evening. The clouds were laying in such a weird looking formation.  I thought of this song and decided to add it to the photo.

That's it for this week's hunt.  Be sure to pop in over at Ramblings and Photo's to catch all the other great hunt participants.

(Next weeks prompts:  Going Back in Time, Somthing Just for Me, Best Part of My Day, Night and Day, Look Up.)  Those sound quite fun and interesting don't they?.


  1. Yes, she sure does have beautiful need for mascara when she's older!

  2. I am glad everyone is okay! Sorry about the stress though.

    I love the poem about clouds.

  3. Great shots, Ida! Nice macro for green and the eyelash photo is adorable! Beautiful clouds, too.

  4. Great photos. Every week I'm going to do the challenge and somehow time gets away from me. Sorry to hear about your Mom - hope she's better.

  5. Wow, I love all of your snapshots, but I think "Green" might just be my favorite!

  6. Great those lil owl shapes!

  7. Beautiful shots...and oh-those-lashes! Wow.

  8. My thoughts and prayers for your mother's recovery. You pulled together an excellent set of shots for this week's hunt.

  9. So sorry your mom fell ill! Hope she continues to do well! Love her eyelashes, amazing!

  10. I hope your mom is back to 100% soon, and that you catch up on your sleep! Coleen is beautiful....I love freckles....angel kisses!

  11. Your shapes shot is perfect! Love how they each have the shapes in their belly. Looks great! I also really love your green shot...gorgeous color and such an interesting abstract to it.

  12. nice set. Love the green. We actually picked a few ripe tomatoes yesterday! Little orange cherry tomatoes. Have a great week.

  13. Ida, this is such a wonderful set! They're all so bright and cheerful! I love Colleen's art work and her gorgeous eyelashes and eyes!! Great focus and detail in the green shot!!

  14. Hope you (migraine) and your mom are both better!
    You did great with the scavenger hunt.
    The clouds are called mammatus cloud formations, I think.
    I've only seen these one time "in person".

  15. Sorry about your mom! Hoping she is alright now. Scary, I'm sure.

    Those are lovely dark eyelashes on your Colleen!

  16. Wishing your mom a full and speedy recovery. Glad you were able to pull the hunt together. Coleen's eyes are so pretty and I love the colourful shapes you came up with.

  17. Dear Ida,

    I am so glad I came by. You had quite a rough time of it (you and your mom) this past week. I will be thinking of you when I have my quiet times. Your pictures do not show the fatigue you were feeling. They are bright and creative! I especially like the cloud one with the Simon and Garfunkel song on it. Nostalgic for me! Thanks!


  18. Oh nice line-up this week. So sorry to hear about your Mom, but thank goodness she is recovering with your "tender loving care". Hope this week is better!!

  19. I love your first cloud picture! It is lovely.

  20. Sorry about your Mum, thanks for calling by to see my Geranium. :)

  21. Hi Ida, Sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope your migraine-ouch! is gone. I will say a prayer for both of you.

    I still love to finger paint.

    Take care.. wishing you a Happy day~:)

  22. A wonderful set and as much as I loved those eyes, paint was my favorite!! The image and the art, beautiful!!!!

  23. Love your 'scavenger hunt' shots! those eyelashes are gorgeous! I want them :)

  24. Love them all. Clouds and eyelashes really stand out. The poem is just great and fits. Thanks as always.

  25. Love that photo of Coleen - she has beautiful eyes, freckles, and lashes. WOW.


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