Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Whatever Wednesday" The Swallowtail Edition

It finally happened! - I've been trying almost all summer long to get a picture of a Swallowtail Butterfly.  There have been plenty of them flying around but none would ever land long enough for me to take a picture. 

Just when I thought I'd never capture one with my camera low and behold as I was getting ready to go somewhere and was pulling out of the driveway one flew by and landed on some of my mom's flowers.  Thankfully I had the camera with me and was able to quickly get out and snap some shots before it flew off.  I was so excited and hope you enjoy my photos.

I tried to find out which Swallowtail this is but there are a number of swallowtail species.  Near as I could find this looks closest to the W. Tiger Swallowtail.  If you know exactly the species of Swallowtail please let me know.  I live in Washington State if that helps.

This was my 1st shot of the butterfly.  It's on a Zinnia (that much I know).

A side view. 

"What are you looking at?" - I was snapping like crazy for fear it would fly before I got any good pictures.  You can see a bit of blur on the wings here in this shot from camera shake.

Hoping to catch a shot with it's wings opened.

This is as close as I got to it's wings being fully opened.   You can see some of the edges are a little tattered, especially on that right wing.

One final shot and it was off and flying again leaving behind a happy memory for me.

Take care and thanks for visiting.


  1. Gorgeous pics of this beautiful creature!

  2. Beautiful photos! Very nice job with these!

  3. ooohhhh boy, do i know that joy!!

    beautiful images!!

  4. Oh!! Perfect!! Don't you just love the exciting moments when things just happen just right!! So glad you were close to your camera! These are beautiful!!

  5. Your persistence paid off. Great shots.


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