Thursday, August 2, 2012

Flower Art Friday - August 3, 2012

Welcome! - Hope your week has been going well. Mine is settling down now after last weeks scare with taking my mom to the ER.  She's doing much better now.  Thanks for all those who ask about her and offered your well wishes and prayers.

Now it's time to celebrate the beauty of Flowers by joining me for,

Here is my piece for this week.  As always, Click to Enlarge for a better view.

This is a Stargazer Lily in my mom's flower bed.  My middle brother gave it to her one year and then the following year he gave her another one just like it because he thought they were so pretty.  You know I think he's right, they are just gorgeous!

Also today I'm sharing an extra flower photo.  I saw a tutorial HERE  (Sommerfugl Design) on how to do this and just had to give it a try.  I'm so excited that it turned out so well that I wanted to share it.   Thanks Desirae for sharing this tutorial. I think I'm going to use this to send to Leontien as well.

Here is the Original Photo:

Here is the edited piece:

I followed Desirae's directions and then added Bonnie's texture, Dusty Rose Bokeh Overlay.  After that I added a Canvas Filter from Gimp and a Sketchy Frame on Pic Monkey to complete my piece.


  1. I love the lily, it's stunning!

  2. This is remarkable Ida! I love the font you used for Peace as well!
    Sorry to hear that your Mom was ill ...been a bit out of the loop... and so glad to hear that she is doing better now!

  3. Ida I just love your stargazer lily! Spectacular!

  4. I had the second flower (picked from my garden) in my wedding bouquet.

    Your brother has good taste in gifts.

  5. I love the stargazer lily. My daughter has these in her wedding bouquet so they bring back special memories! Also love the beautiful processing on the second one!

  6. I love your edit. I also love that it is the same kind of flower from the tutorial :)

  7. Pretty flowers. Impressively, beautiful photos. regards

  8. Stargazers are so dramatically beautifully, aren't they! Good job of processing that second shot. Thanks for sharing it.


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