Monday, September 3, 2012

Macro Monday - Warning Label Needed or Why am I a Klutz?

If you dropped by for my Scavenger Hunt Sunday entry click on the link.

It's been awhile since I've done a Macro Monday so I thought I would participate today.  Granted my subject material is a bit weird, maybe even gross to some so don't look if you may be squeamish.

Yesterday I sat down to drink a cup of coffee with my husband and somehow I managed to dump it in my lap.  Needless to say it was HOT coffee and I jumped up, spilling more onto myself and my chair.  Quickly grabbed the nightgown I was wearing holding it away from my leg and went to assess the damage. 

It was red and I put some ice on it for about 5-10 minutes and called it good.
Later in the day I discovered this:

Ouch!  It was forming a water blister and stung like crazy.  This was on my upper thigh area.

I know it's sort of gross but hey, it happened and any more I try to document even the odd daily things like this.

By the end of the night when I went to bed the blister had expanded tremendously.

You can see a slight indentation on the blister but that later filled with water as well and it was really red around the bottom of the blister.  I spent about 45 minutes while watch Iron Chef holding a cold wash cloth over the blister and eventually the burning sensation went away.  Some time during the night I woke up and touch my leg and discovered that part of the fluid was draining.  I got up and sure enough there was a tiny pinhole in the blister where the water was draining out of.  By this morning most of it was gone so I covered the burn with gauze and some Neosporin to keep it from rubbing the skin off with my jeans and avoiding possible infection.

So why didn't my coffee cup have a "warning label" on it that the coffee was hot!  Better question....Why am I such a klutz at times!!!


  1. At first I thought you were showing a beautiful texture, but then I scrolled down! :) We photogs do like to document everything!

  2. Hi Ida,

    Ouch! I'm sorry to hear you burned yourself and see you have quite the blister. I hope by the time you read this you will be feeling better.

  3. Yes, in those blister macro looks monstrous. Greetings.

  4. Ouch! that looks painful. Great capture!

    ~Kazi xxx

  5. Oh, my....I know the feeling. It hurts so badly. I use a Rx called Furacin which is for burns. It is yellow and it is a miracle ointment. I am a far worse klutz that me. Just click up wt the top of my blog where the followers appear and you can add your name. I will join up with you, too. Do not know how to do the Linky thing but maybe soon I will figure it out. Take care of that mean blister. genie

  6. Very nice picture ! It even hurts when I look at it !

  7. ow Ow OW!! That looks very painful Ida!!
    Hope it clears up soon! ...and gross or not your photo is a good capture! Would this count as a selfie? *lol*

  8. OUCH!! Dang girl, you got yourself good!

  9. Holy cow, that's a big blister. Be very careful, because those types of blisters can get infected very easily. No more coffee for you!

  10. You sound a lot like me because I'm a klutz at times too. That looks like a nasty burn -- probably 2nd degree considering it blistered. Sorry about that. :-(

    {Stopping by from Macro Monday's linky party}



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