Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Whatever" Wednesday - Back to School and Bowling

Here is Coleen with a little gift that Grandma bought her for the "First Day of School."  I like to give her a little something special to help ease the nerves about heading back to school.  She was a little more apprehensive this year about starting back to school so the gift and card really helped to start her morning off on a high note.

Here she is posing for Grandma for the "Official" Back to School photo.  I love taking these and seeing how she changes from year to year.  I did the same thing when her mom was a little girl.  Isn't that shirt she's wearing cute.

After her mom dropped her off to school we headed off for the official start of our
Bowling league.

Greta bowls on a different team (same league) then my mom & I.  For not having bowled but just once since April I think I started out pretty decent.
Scores:  153 - 154 - 130 (got a little tired by the end of the third game).  So my starting Average for this year is 145, not bad but I'd like to get it up over 150 this year.

That's it for this weeks edition of Whatever Wednesday.  Short and Sweet this week!

1 comment:

  1. A back to school gift is such a great idea. How nice of you to think of that. And...your bowling score beats mine!!! :)


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