Thursday, October 3, 2013

Orange You Glad It's Friday - October 4, 2013

Today I'm participating in 3 Friday Meme's - Orange You Glad It's Friday,
Photo Art Friday and Random 5 Friday.  -  Click on each link to be taken to that post.  The link to Maria's blog for OYGIF will follow at the end of this post.

Each of the Meme's will feature Sky photo's -  That was the optional theme for PAF and I decided to include sky photo's for the other 2 memes as well.  I like to keep things on a basic theme if at all possible.

While driving home from my niece's wedding 2 weekends ago it had been raining and up ahead we spotted a rainbow in the sky and then another one off to the side of us.  The shot of the one ahead of us didn't turn out very well but the other one did so I'm sharing that one here today.  Snapped out the window of a moving car at 75 mph.

Click to Enlarge photo.

Be sure to stop by Maria's blog and check out the other participants.


  1. Rainbows!! Can't beat that. Your photo of the clouds and sea yesterday is spectacular.

  2. Yes, sky above that forest is beautiful, I love it!

  3. Fantastic skyscape! I combined two memes as well:

  4. That's a lovely, unusual rainbow, Ida!

  5. That's a lovely, unusual rainbow, Ida!

  6. Thank you so much for your very kind comment!
    I like your shot a lot. The ilittle rainbow in the middle of the sky makes it very interesting.

  7. It's hard to capture a rainbow - you managed to do it though!

  8. A great chatch.
    Rainbows are so delicate.
    Have a nice evening.

  9. A terrific rainbow shot caught between the clouds.

  10. Hi Ida
    That is pretty cool, catching a little bit of a rainbow. Nature was obviously sharing herself around that day;)!
    Have a lovely week


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