Friday, January 10, 2014

Random 5 Friday

It's Friday!!! - Hopefully for those of you who live in areas where the (Polar Vortex) took place you've warmed up a bit.

Are you ready for some "randomness"?

Yes,  Well then let's join Nancy (A Rural Journal) and have some fun with Random 5 Friday!

Click to Enlarge Photos.

1.  On Monday I took my mom out to look for a new recliner chair.  Which she found but of course they had to order so it's not here yet.  -  But that's not really what I wanted to talk about.  -  On the way home we spotted a hawk and I just happened to have my camera with me.  I've been dying to see if I could get a decent picture of one with my new lens.

 This isn't the best of shots because my camera settings weren't on what they should have been so I had to work with this photo a little to get it to look halfway decent but I like it.

2.  It snowed here on Tuesday evening.  - Nope I didn't take any photo's.  Besides people are probably getting tired of snow photos by now and let's face it 1 inch of snow that melted by the end of the next day is not something to get to excited about.

3.  I had a Root Canal done yesterday.  Oh goodie! - I hate going to the dentist and am always a nervous wreck until it's over and done with.  My mouth hurts today and my gums look like they've been ran over by a Mack truck but I survived and if it get's rid of the problem with the sore on my gums then it will be worth it.

4.  Hey the bull-riding I mentioned last week went great.  My favorite cowboy (Mike Lee)  finished in 5th place  in the event, which isn't bad for a guy that's 30 now and one of the "older" cowboys competing still.  What a tough sport that is.  There is one guy (Pistol Robinson) who just came back after a year off due to breaking both of his legs at an event.  Talk about loving what you do, to come back after that and keep on riding, truly amazing.

5.  Well tonight is the long awaited Piano Recital for Coleen.  For those who weren't aware the one that was scheduled for Dec. 20th was cancelled due to bad weather that night.  She's excited though about finally getting the chance to play her pieces.  -  I'll post pictures for sure.

That's it for this week.  - I included my very first "decent" picture of the moon for you this week, a random shot of some leaves and seed pods, and a random photo (see below) taken last November and never shown on the blog of a farmer's field with the sun shining on it. 


  1. Nice hawk shot! Old man winter is just getting started here. I HATE THE DENTIST! Oh, and enjoy the recital. Music, music's a real JOY! Aloha

  2. Glad the dental work is over. I love your hawk picture!

  3. I think it's a great shot of the hawk ... well done!
    Hope "Mom's" recliner arrives soon!
    Happy New Year!
    diane @ aug's blog

  4. A root canal.. YIKES. I had one just about 9 months ago. No fun. I enjoyed reading about your week. And I your photos look awesome. So sorry I don't drop by more often. For some reason your blog won't open for me in my reader. I am going to re-add you and see if that works.


  5. i love love love that last shot. so beautiful. enjoy the clouds.

    #3 i hear you there my bloggy friend. i am can so sympathize with you there. been there & done that. thankfully only one root canal for me but plenty of dental work in my later life. i hope it stops so. but that is another story. ha. ha! ( :

  6. Nice pix with your new lens...thank you for your kind thoughts about hubby, who would love a recliner too! I love I have the eagles if they return!...:)JP

  7. Ackk. Root canal, not fun. I've never had one, neither do I want one. I recently had a crown replaced, that was bad enough. I hope the piano recital went alright and look forward to photos.

  8. Nice pix with your new lens...hubby would love a recliner again too...I also love hawks but have the eagles if they return. Thank you for you kind words about hubby...:)JP

  9. theres the reason we never leave home without our camera's!!

    really gorgeous images today, i especially enjoyed that cresent moon!!

  10. I did not know you had a root canal. Hope you begin to feel better soon.
    I did not know about Coleen's recital either. I loved piano when I was young and was pianist at church during college years.
    Glad you enjoyed the bull riding. Sounds exciting.
    All your photos are great but I really love that last one!

  11. Hi, there!
    Thanks for visiting today. Your photos are gorgeous! The colors in that last one are just amazing.
    Good luck with the root canal: been there, done that too!

  12. These are all lovely shots. Glad you're getting a chance to use the new lens. That's always fun!

  13. Lovely photos ! It's exciting to see a hawk though last week one ( a small variety ) was perched on my backyard fence and I knew he was after the smaller birds...I still wanted a picture but he flew away the minute I had the camera out and he sensed movement.

    Lucky you...nice capture! :)

  14. Ohhhhhhhhhh, that last image of the farmer's field is fabulous. Just look at the turbulence in the sky backdrop! Wow.

    Glad to know your trip to the dentist is over. I too don't like 'em. In fact, dentist is a four letter word in my mind. LOL

    Oh, and YES...I DID get the GWTW TV Guide magazine. And, I'm reading it now.

  15. Gorgeous photos Ida -- your new lens is really working out for you.

    Looking forward to hearing about how Coleen did and see some photos of the big evening!

  16. How did the recital go? Hawks are beautiful to watch and shoot. ( wih a camera of course!) booooo on the root canal.

  17. I love that last photo!!!! Like the others, too.

    Root canal does not sound like fun at all!

  18. Love the new cover photo, and the photo of the 2 cats together. Glad you are feeding them. They might end up being your cats.

    I have a new lens too that is also a zoom and macro. I am enjoying it too.

  19. fantastic shots Ida... but I love the moon the best :-)

  20. Beautiful framing, wonderful photos, I love the last landscape!

  21. Nice moon shot, and I like the autumnal one as well. I don't know anyone that likes going to the dentist! Bull riding is so fun to watch, there have been a couple of chances to see the tour live, but it's never worked out for us!

  22. I love the shot of the hawk! That's wonderful!
    By the way, I hate going to the dentist, too! I just had some dental work done and dreaded every visit, even though I have a wonderful dentist.

    PS I hope people don't get tired of snow shots, because I've got at least a couple more months of them! We did, however, make it up to 32F today - yay!

  23. Interesting tidbits and beautiful photos. You're lucky to have gotten that photo of the hawk. It's so hard to capture birds on camera. Love the golden tones in your leaves photo and the farmer's field. The sky in the last photo is very dramatic and interesting, too.


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