Saturday, January 11, 2014

Song-ography the "Brave" edition and Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's time to join in on the fun of SONGOGRAPY
hosted by the talented Kathy from, You'll Shoot Your Eye Out.

This weeks song:  Brave by Sara Bareilles.

You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love
Or you can start speaking up
Nothing’s gonna hurt you the way that words do
And they settle ‘neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you

Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave

Click to Enlarge Photos:

You might be wondering what this photo has to do with being, Brave.  What I took from the song was the line about "Saying what you wanna say and letting the words out."  If you look very closely at the graffiti on the wall right below the words (cat eyes) in faint red ink are the words,  BE YOU!  I think that is the bravest thing of all.

Now it's time to join Ashley (Ramblings and Photos) for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY  -  This weeks prompts were:  Happens Everyday,
Upside Down, Natural, Man-Made and Looking Down.

HAPPENS EVERYDAY:  Well I'm sure it happens everyday (somewhere) and it generally happens everyday here.  Birds sit in the tree branches waiting for their turn in the bird feeder for the seeds I leave out.

UPSIDE DOWN:  This one I struggled with.  I had wanted Coleen to hang upside down at the school playground but she just wasn't into that today.  Finally after walking around outside I spied a watering pot hanging upside down on a broken tree branch against the side of our house.

NATURAL:  - You get 2 for this prompt because I couldn't decide which one I liked the best.

Ivy growing naturally on a tree

Moss growing naturally on the back neighbor's storage shed.

MAN-MADE:  Coleen and I took a walk today and ended up at the Whitman College campus.  Where we found this man-made (or in this case woman made) horse sculpture.  You can read about the artist HERE:

LOOKING DOWN:  I'm not really big on heights anymore so I wasn't about to look down from any great height for a photo.  Instead I went with a photo of Coleen looking down at her music from her Piano recital (her very 1st) that we attended last night.  Which by the way she played beautifully! We were so proud of her.

That's it for this week.  Please stop by both Kathy & Ashley's blog and check out the other participants entries. -  Have a great week.


  1. The happens everyday shot of the birds is fantastic, so crisp and clear. I like the moss on the neighbors building. The horse sculpture is really different. That must have take her quite a while to do. Congratulations to Colleen on her recital performance.

  2. I did birds for happens every day as well. I like the moss more than the ivy and I think the shot of Coleen is fantastic! Be You is one of the bravest things a person can do.

  3. I did birds for happens every day as well. I like the moss more than the ivy and I think the shot of Coleen is fantastic! Be You is one of the bravest things a person can do.

  4. I really like your graffiti shot. You really had to look closely to notice the words "Be you" - such a great interpretation of this song! The moss shot is another favorite - the texture and the light - very nice! Congratulations to your daughter on her recital - now that's brave!

  5. Coleen certainly looks beautiful at her recital. I know you all were very proud of her.

    I really like the blue watering can and also the moss. Makes me think of spring!

  6. Be You ~ So true and a great find in that graffiti. I loved the upside down water can,a great picture. Coleen at the piano, so focused and serious, what a good choice for the looking down prompt. Finally, the cat in your header looks so much like one that lived with us for 18 years, Sindbad was his name.

  7. Nice post, I really like the pic of your daughter at her recital. Good on you and her both on learning how to play the piano.

    The horse sculpture is so creative. That was a nice find.

    Great post!

  8. These are nice! I like the moss and the horse sculpture is just too cool! I've never seen a horse done like that.

  9. yes...I agree that "being you" is at all times being brave. I just started a new class today on just this idea!

  10. I like your find for brave. I am drawn (pardon the unintended pun) to graffiti. I know it's often vadalism, but so often I wonder what the artist was thinking-what they needed to say in such a large public forum.
    Nice find.

  11. Ida, that photo of Coleen at her recital is precious! I can imagine how proud you were of her! Love that upside down watering can, too. Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Yes, being yourself is an act of bravery when the world wants to mold you to be like it. Great thoughts, and great SHS images. That horse is incredible.

  13. graffiti is certainly one way to speak out. Love the horse sculpture and glad Coleen had a lovely concert.

  14. What a delightful group of photos for this hunt. I really like the watering pot. Probably even because it brings warmer weather to mind?!

  15. Love your song for Brave! And the ivy crawling up the tree, gorgeous!!

  16. the graffiti was an awesome find for this weeks song. it's a great song, listen to it, if you have not!!

    great images for shs, you know the picture of colleen was my favorite. your so lucky to have her, as she comes in very handy for your shs posts.

    and i wouldn't hang upside down this time of year either!! well i might ;)

  17. Very nice photos , wonderful birds in the second !

  18. I love a good piece of graffiti and the one you found is so perfect for this week's song.

  19. The horse sculpture is excellent.

  20. "Be You"..such a simple sentiment for something many find so difficult to accomplish. Brilliant find! Thanks for joining in at Song-ography!

  21. I love the song "Brave" by Sara Bareilles and you picked a great image to represent it! Your Scavenger Hunt looks fun! I love the light on the moss and your focus. Also, love the watering can! Congrats to Colleen on her first recital. I remember my piano recitals, I hope she wasn't as nervous as I got. One time I completely forgot the second half of the song. Just played the first half twice!!

  22. Always lots of interesting images from the scavenger hunt!

  23. Great post! I always love seeing a glimpse into your world. (And I'm just a bit envious that you don't have any snow!)
    My favourite shot is the one of the moss. Beautiful!

  24. that is a fantastic sculpture. i love it. great natural shots too. especially the moss.

  25. I like your naturals...I could not pick a favorite, either. And I so love that blue watering can, upside down or right side up it is a beauty.

    (In my older age, I cannot do heights either...)

  26. Loving your photos this week. That last photo of your daughter playing the piano is so sweet..


  27. How do you get the little birds to sit still long enough to get that wonderful shot? Is there some bird tranquilizer I don't know about? Congratulations, Colleen, on wowing the audience! Love those moments our kids and grandkids make us so proud! Wonder why your watering can is upside down on the stick.....drying it out? Good job for the scavenger hunt!

  28. I thoroughly enjoyed your photos and words, dear Ida :) May you have a blessed week! Hugs

  29. Coleen looks so pretty at her piano recital. These are all especially great photos today, Ida. The horse sculpture is beautiful. I've seen her featured on Oregon Art Beat before, I believe.

  30. I absolutely love your interpretation for Brave. The moss natural shot has such wonderful lighting. How nice to see Coleen at her recital. She looks so focused!


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