Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Whatever Wednesday - Coleen's Piano Recital Edition

Welcome!  Today I am sharing photo's from Coleen's Piano Recital.  Before I get started I want to make it clear that Coleen is my Granddaughter, not my daughter.  Many of you visit and comment but often refer to her as my daughter instead of my grandchild.  -  She and her mother both live with us.  Her mom's name is Greta.

Coleen just started taking Piano lessons in September of 2013.  She only has 1 lesson per week for 1/2 an hour.

The kids were told to dress up "fancy" for their recital.  The teacher even supplied Coleen with the fancy ribbon she has in her hair.  Here is a photo taken of her before we left the house to go to the recital.

This next shot is Coleen and one of her classmates from school.  His name is Conrad.  When we learned that he was taking Piano lessons we got the information about his teacher from his mom and that is how Coleen got started taking the lessons as well. He would only stand still for 1 photo so this is the best I could do.

Some of the kinds waiting out in the foyer for their turn to come in and play.

The instructor also teaches Violin so some of the kids played both.

Coleen playing her 2 pieces (Swans on the Lake and Away in the Manger)

Below is a You Tube Video of her playing her songs.

After their performances the kids would bow to the audience.  I only caught her in mid-bow but I think you see her bowing in the video.

Here is the entire group of kids who participated in the recital along with their teacher.

Finally a picture of Coleen and her piano teacher, Mrs. Bendixen

We were all very proud of her and look forward to her Spring Recital.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Great job Coleen!! I can't believe she's only been playing for such a short time! :)

  2. Oh how I love this post! Coleen is so pretty and did such a great job. I remember playing these songs. I hope piano will be something she enjoys. Piano provided me with part time work during college, at church, and opened doors to many friendships!

  3. How special! She looks so grown up al "fancy" for such a fantastic performance!

    In Yiddish there is a word: nachas (na-ch-as) it means someone making you proud - Colleen clearly gives you such great nachas!

  4. Your granddaughter looks so pretty!

  5. What a beautiful granddaughter you have! I remember the days of piano recitals. I always dreaded them. Probably because I didn't practice as much as I should have, and was always afraid I was going to make a huge mistake.

  6. Wow! She is doing great! I love her bow in her hair and her bow to the audience! She looked so pretty and confident! Good for her! My daughter takes piano and used to get so nervous before the recitals!

  7. Oh, what a lovely recital! You got some wonderful photos, and the video is great. My favourite picture is the one of the kids waiting in the foyer.

  8. Just the sweetest! I look forward to recitals and musicals and ballgames with my little ones!


  9. Oh my this is a sweet post, Coleen's bow is on the video. Capturing special moments are so much more do-able these days with iphones, little cameras, smaller videos. It will be such fun for her with all of these growing-up photos,the blog stories and videos, lucky little girl. I took piano lessons for a couple of years until my teacher suggested to my Mom that she was wasting her money (really). that won't be the case for Coleen.

  10. These photos are all as sweet as can be. I think it's wonderful that Coleen is having piano lessons. She looks like such a little lady in these photos. I'll have to come back after work and log in a different browser to see the video. For some reason my computer will only let me see videos on Chrome.

  11. Oh, this brings back many memories! I remember "Swan Lake" and playing it many, many years ago. Tell Colleen that she looked beautiful and played beautifully! I'm glad you included the video! I'll look forward to hearing her spring concert!

  12. Thank you for sharing a video, Ida! Coleen is very talented, amazing!!! It is so wonderful that she is taking piano lessons.

  13. Sweet pictures. Especially like the picture of Coleen and her teacher. I'm now follower #101.

  14. She is simply beautiful!! She is growing in to a lovely young woman!!

    One thing is crystal clear, you love her like a daughter!! Many thanks for sharing these precious moments with us!!

  15. I came back to listen the Coleen's recital. Bet you were beaming ear to ear! She did well and her little bows were so cute.


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