Saturday, February 15, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday & Sunlit Sunday

Welcome!  Thank you to all of my new followers and of course my old ones as well for visiting and commenting.  You help to make my day a little brighter.

Won't you please join me for SCAVENGER HUNT SUNDAY hosted by Ashley (Ramblings and Photos).

This weeks prompts:  Camouflaged, Nutty, Old Style, Haphazard, Monochromatic.

Click to enlarge Photos.


Well this little kitty really isn't "camouflaged" but he sure blended in well with his surroundings.  -  This is a new neighborhood kitty I spotted a few weeks ago across the street. 


 Salted Pecans qualify as nutty and yummy too!

I had no idea what this meant exactly so I edited a photo to give it an "old style" vintage look. It was overcast and somewhat foggy here today which helped to give this just the right feel for the old style vintage edit.


This looks like a bunch of yellow boxes stacked haphazardly on top of each other.  It's actually a metal sculpture on the Whitman College campus entitled, Balancing Act. - This was taken last month but never shown on the blog.

I couldn't decide whether I should use this or not as it's not entirely monochromatic but I thought it was close enough and it turned out so cute I decided to go ahead and go with it.

Coleen's leopard hat up against my leopard blanket and our tan curtains all blend together in monochromatic tones.


Also joining Karen (My Little Home and Garden) for SUNLIT SUNDAY.

We actually had a little sunshine this week!

I happened to venture outside and captured this little guy enjoying the sunshine. I love the sunshine that seems to make his tail sparkle.

and this one of our cat, Miss Dottie enjoy a bath in the sunshine.

While I'm not participating this week I would also like to mention a great meme to visit is Kathy's - SONGOGRAPHY.


  1. Hi Ida,

    Nice to meet you!

    Both squirrel and Miss Dottie seem to be enjoying their sunny bath, sans bubbles!

    Have a lovely week, hope you get more sunshine!

    Poppy (visiting via Sunlit Sunday)

  2. Love the sunlit kitty and the haphazard sculpture is pretty funky looking!

  3. Nice series of photos. I'm visiting from Sunlit Sunday.

  4. I love your shots. The old style photo is my favorite.

  5. Nice choices! The cat in the first photo does blend in rather well. I had to laugh at the squirrel!

  6. Your camouflaged kitty looks like my Bert! Really love old style and that squirrel's perch looks rather precarious! :)

  7. I enjoyed both sets of photos, Ida, and noticed a beautiful cat in each.

    Miss Dottie is looking fantastic, sitting in the sun and taking care of her personal hygiene! The squirrel can count his blessings that she's indoors as he enjoys the beautiful day.


  8. Cats always find a way to enjoy the sun.

  9. great shots. Your photography is always so nice to see. i really like the old school and the camouflage shots

  10. Lovely photos, Ida... partial to Dottie's, of course. This week I'm attempting to sneak up on my kitties for some sleeptime pics (the only time I am permitted near them with a camera LOL).

  11. What a pretty kitty! Really lovely photos! Cathy

  12. A great series. I never would have guessed those yellow boxes as art! Lovely critters in the sunshine!

  13. that leopard hat is so cute!! my daughter would love it! that sculpture is cool... at first i thought it was legos!

  14. A fun squirrel photo. They perch in such precarious places.

  15. Beautiful photos! You are very gifted!

  16. It is nice to just takea camera and head out and be ableto capture something worthy as your shots, thanks for sharing

  17. I love that first picture with the kitty.

  18. Well done! I love the vintage looking photo, great processing! Also, love the light on the squirrel. They can be a bother, but they sure are cute!

  19. Wow! What great photos! Can't help myself... the kitty photos are again my faves. The first one is just fabulous! Love how you interpreted the haphazard prompt, too. Then again, the squirrel photo is awesome, and your photo art for the "old" is beautiful. I'm always delighted. You rock these scavenger hunts!

  20. You find such wonderful things for Scavenger Sunday! I love the camouflage kitty, and those nuts look soooo goood! I also love that blue sky behind the squirrel and, as always, you've done a fabulous job photographing your cat.

  21. Lovely series of photos. Greetings from Montreal, Canada.

  22. I really like your old style photo. I'm still trying to figure out how you did got the objects to stay 'haphazardly' while you shot them. Cute camo cat!

  23. I love the camo kitty..great background and leading lines too! Those nuts look delicious!

  24. Delicious cat, so happy, exquisite photos!

  25. Wow, all great captures. It felt like a visit through nature, and gifts abound everywhere you go!

  26. The first image is so good. But all of them fit their themes perfectly. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. Following you back now!

  27. Hi Ida,

    Your 'entries' for both memes, are so very interesting! In love with years gone by, your 'old style' photo is simply enchanting and the new 'kit' on the block is definitely a charmer!

    Thanks for following Poppy View; happy to follow you back!

    Happy Monday!


  28. Great photos for the prompts. Camoflaged is adorable, and I like what you did for old style. Great sunlight shot of your kitty.

  29. Always fun to visit here and enjoy your photography. Hope you have a very nice week, Ida.

  30. Great photos! Your work on the photo for old style is just lovely!

  31. Love seeing cats basking in sunshine - they enjoy it so much! And what a great shot of the bushy-tailed squirrel!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  32. Great variety of shots. I've never understood what 'art' is to some people.

  33. Both shots are beautiful. the squirrel actually looks pretty cute! Have a nice week Ida.


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