Thursday, May 22, 2014

Good Fences #9

Welcome! - Today I'm joining in with Theresa from,
(The Run-a-Round Ranch Report) for GOOD FENCES.

Before I get started with today's entry I want to let everyone know who commented last week on the Wrought Iron fence that the fence was actually "Black" but the lighting cast a bluish tint to the fence.  Many of you thought the fence was actually blue so I wanted to clear that up.

Today I am sharing a unique fence that borders an equally unique building here in town.   It's an 1893 Queen Anne Victorian home called Sharpstein Manor and is now used as a home and also has several studio apartments as well. 
Click to Enlarge Photos

What I love about this fence is the unusual "spider web" design of the iron.

The caretaker of the building does an awesome job of planting flowers in the beds on the grounds and around the fence.


For many years the house was decorated with tons of lights/decorations for holidays like Halloween and Christmas.  In recent years though it became to much for the caretaker to do on his own so the last few years there have been no Christmas lights up which is really sad as it was very beautiful to see.  You can visit this link to see pictures of the Christmas Lights.

Along with the cool spider web feature of the fence there are other great details such as the lion crest and fleur-de-lis decorations on top the brick columns.

My favorite feature though are the two Cherubs that border the entryway onto the grounds.

 Here is a close up on one of them. - Aren't they charming.

I just had to show a picture of part of the manor as it has some pretty fancy scroll work and railings as well.  This wing of the house was added in 1938.
This photo was taken in October of last year.  All other photos were taken this month.

I don't have a full view of the manor but found this photo of it and wanted to share it as well.

Please click on the link to view the photo.  You won't be disappointed.

I hope you've enjoyed these fence shots.  Don't forget to stop by Theresa's blog and check out all the other great fences.


  1. wow! how ornate and beautiful! i REALLY love the spider web arcs!

  2. Old Victoian ... oh to have the time and the money to maintain such a place. What a beauty,Ida ... fence, cherubs, and all.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  3. Just beautiful work! My father was an architect and we would go to see places like this all the time. Love the shot of the house with the sun behind it.

  4. Oh, my that fence is really different and beautiful. I have got to go back and enlarge the photos, but wanted to comment while I had a minute.

  5. It is a very creative way to design a fence. The landscaping is opulent. Thanks for showing this one.

  6. The mansion and the fences are magnificent!

  7. What a beautiful place! I love that spiderweb design.

  8. Oh, wow, Ida. How goRGEouS!! Words fail me. And I also like it that it isn't / doesn't seem to be an overly huge place.
    My son-in-law has diabetes. One day his blood sugar got very low as he was walking home. He passed a beautifully landscaped / partially fenced house and said to the owners as he passed, "Wow. You did an AWFUL job on this place!" Of course, he meant to say awesome.

  9. Well your spider web fence is cooler than my OLD fence I think. Bear in mind my fence is not the original but a reconstruction. Thanks for visiting my First Fence.

  10. Beautiful fencing and hats off to the gardener for all his hard work.

    Super series Ida.

  11. Gosh what a beautiful place! I love the "spider web" fencing, and also your composition of the fence with the cherubs (image 7).

    The Christmas lights are fantastic!

    Thanks for your visit and kind comment on my fences.


  12. Wow - what a beautiful and unique fence! I can image how wonderful it would be with lights - and the spider web design is perfect for Halloween, too!

  13. OH WOW!! What a unique fence. I love the way it looks. And what a grand house. Gorgeous photos my friend.


  14. Wow...extraordinary post and photos Ida.

  15. That's so beautiful! Love the spider web look on the fence.

  16. Wow, that is some fancy fencing and a unique home. Great captures, Ida!!

  17. Wonderful. I enjoyed all your photos!

  18. The spider web design is fantastic! I've never seen anything like it!

  19. Great fence shots, the house is lovely. Shame about the christmas lights.

  20. Great fence shots, the house is lovely. Shame about the christmas lights.

  21. Incredible photos; how charming.

    Hope your trip to the dentist went well.

    We moved yesterday; tired, but very thankful.

    Have a nice weekend.

  22. These are beautiful photos! I love the web designs and the cherubs. Excellent.

  23. Beautiful find! Reminds me of spider webs.

  24. This is an extraordinarily beautiful fence - and such a wonderful setting. I like the spider web design as well, and also the wavy form.

  25. Your photos are fantastic. What an amazing house! That's one of the prettiest fences I have seen in a long time. Thank you also for the links. I enjoyed seeing it with all its Christmas lights. We have a house a couple of streets over, a lot smaller than this house but their lights are wondrous. People come for miles to see them and I can only imagine what their electricity bill is each year. Obviously a labor of love though and I have always admired them for doing it.

  26. ooohhhh Ida, what a find, this place has it all!! What a gorgeous fence and surrounding landscape!! I have to go back to check out the links you shared!!

  27. The garden as well as the manor are very nice.
    Always good to be wandering and enjoying the splendor of nature.
    Peace :)

  28. Wow, what a beautiful fence! How blessed you are to have such a pretty place in your area.


  29. Wow, yes they are charming, it's all very beautiful! Such an interesting design I'd like it around our house too!

  30. Wow! Gorgeous! I have to say, you have some beautiful sights there in Walla Walla. I don't remember it being so beautiful. It's been since the late 60's that I was last there. I think I need to visit again!

  31. Oh, what a great fence! I've never seen a "spider web" design like that for a fence. It's so pretty.

  32. Thank you for showing us this beautiful place through your photos Ida.The gardener obviously takes great pride in his work.

  33. What an amazing fence! And the first shot is so much fun as it looks like a spiderweb, indeed!

  34. Delightful curves and arches repeated all around the property. The gardener has quite a job keeping up with everything and seems to be doing a great job.

  35. Oh my, oh my, that manor is stunning! I love the detail :)

    And your fence pictures are quite unique - it looks like a spider's web.

    Happy Weekend, Ida!

  36. A fine series of pictures of fences and walls. A very effective post.

  37. Love those spider-web designs in the fences. Looks like a beautiful place. Thanks for stopping by to see my Good Fences. (I'm late with comments because my modem died Thursday morning and it took until today for my husband to hook up a new one.)

  38. Oh, what a gorgeous fence and manor!! Makes me want to come and visit so I can see it for myself.

  39. What a beautiful manor! I love the fence and the scroll work.


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