Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Well that's just "ducky!"

Hello!  Just popping in today to share more Ducky Derby shots:

Release the Ducks!!!

 And we're off and swimming...or rather floating.

That's a lot of ducks.

We're in no big hurry here.  Gently floating down the stream...

Splish, Splash they were taking a bath....

 More of the masses as they head towards the finish line.

Look out for turbulence!

The duck catchers await at the finish line.

 Here they come.

 The front runner.

And winner!!!

Even though my ducks didn't win any of the prizes (rats!)  it was still a lot of fun to watch and I've seen this race for several years now but it's still an enjoyable event.  Perhaps next year my ducks will win.


  1. Hi Ida,
    Have been a rubber ducky fan forever -especially when they are wearing sunglasses. Lotsa ducky goodness there!

  2. This is really cool. You made some great photos of this event too. Looks like a lot of water fun.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. That is beyond adorable!!! How do you get ducks? Buy them and mark them?

  4. Ha! That really does look like a fun event!

  5. Wow, that's a lot of rubber duckies! Interesting event and how fun!

  6. That looks like a lot of fun. I would love to attend something like this someday.

  7. My goodness...I would never have dreamed of seeing that many rubber ducks! Loved seeing this.

  8. That is just so fun. I love the dump truck photo.

  9. This looks like so much fun. The huge rubber duck that has been going around the world for awhile now is in Norfolk,VA this week. I hope to have a photo of my Grands with it.

  10. OMG! That looks like soooo much fun!

  11. Nice shots of those ducks on the move!

  12. Ida, this post has made my day!!! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  13. Wow! I've never seen to many plastic ducks before. Sorry yours didn't win, but, my gosh, what an unusual race! Bonny

  14. Hi Ida, Iv'e never seen anything like it, such fun and lovely photo's.

  15. I love this! How cool! it looks like so much fun!

  16. What a beautiful site all those ducks!
    I love it!!
    Sorry you didn't win, but it sounds like you enjoyed yourself.
    Have a blessed week end!

  17. When we lived in Fairbanks, Alaska, I remember a similar event with the released duckies. FUN!! And nice photos today too!

  18. These pictures are so fun! Darn straight that's a lot of ducks!

  19. Oh, that's wonderful! (And now I understand the Ducky Derby reference in your more recent post. I knew reading your blog in reverse order might not work!)

  20. That is SO adorable!! They really have it organized. I think those duckies are cute, all floating along. I hope you win next year.


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